Bread Winners

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Ummm this sounds super ridiculous but the bread thing actually happened to me at the movies once so just go with it okay? Thank you also pretend this is around the time MANIA came out. Cool thank you gbless

Pete and his son Bronx had decided to go out to see a movie while Patrick and the other kids stayed home. Pete felt like the two needed some father/son bonding and Bronx desperately wanted to see some kids  movie. The movie experience was normal, buy the tickets, get the food, go to the theater. Except there was a stand outside on of the auditoriums with a man just screaming about bread. Bronx being the little kid he is, ran to the table to see what was happening.
"Step up and answer my quiz to win some bread!! Who doesn't want bread!? Crazy people that's who." Pete walked up to the table catching up to Bronx and by this point needed to see what the quiz was. Who doesn't love free stuff?
"Hey dude. I'll play this game. What's the question?"
The man smirked almost smugly and responded,
"Well sir, the question is about music. A very tricky one too. What is the new Fall Out Boy album called? I'm a big fan of them and I feel like you can't guess it." The man laughed in a joking manner.
"You've got to be kidding me." Pete laughed,
"Here, I'll give you three guesses!" The worker giggled as he waited for Pete to answer.
"The album is mania, also..." Pete leaned in motioning for the guy to do the same, "I'm in that band" as Pete pulled back he watched the guy's face go from confused to flat out embarrassed.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize. Uhhhhh hi! Oh my gosh I'm such a big fan. Can I get a picture? Oh gosh. Just take the bread I'm so embarrassed Jesus." The boy scrambled as he panicked at not recognizing his idol. Pete just laughed and posed for a picture, he also took two bags of the bread because again, who doesn't like free stuff?

After the movie and when the two boys got home Pete barged into the house with a shout, "honey I'm HOME!!!" Patrick came into the hallway holding a sleeping Marvel while shushing the two boys who were cackling at they're aggressive entrance.

"Hey love. Hey B it's almost time for bed okay? Go brush your teeth please" Patrick spoke in a soft voice as he followed the young boy upstairs to put the baby away and check that the two younger kids were asleep.

Once everyone was in bed Patrick came down to see Pete still in the entrance of their house holding something behind his back.
"Pete whatcha got there?"
"Patrick?" Pete said blatantly ignoring Patrick's question, "I just really want to say how much I appreciate you being a house wife. I don't think I could handle four kids and a dog all by myself. I'm just glad you're home, plus o love being the bread winner of the house. I just love taking care of you baby..." Pete trailed off with a smile.
Patrick stood confused for a second, "Pete I have so many things to say. For starters we aren't married, second I'm a man. And lastly we're in the same band, we make the same amount of money. There are no bread winners in this house," Pete shook his head before screaming,
"OH YEAH WELL HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS!" As he whipped the bags of bread he won from behind his back.
"I... I want a divorce."

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