Spooky oneshot bbs

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So someone wrote a one shot with this idea and I literally love it. But I forget who they are but I love them so I'm sorry 😘

Pete was a vampire, he was one of those good ones that don't hurt people. Patrick was a witch and although he still had human blood in his body he helped Pete find ways to prevent accidental murder damage to Patrick. The two had been together for a long time, that much was obvious. Today however they were having a fight.
"Patrick come on! Let me in so we can talk about this, you can't just shut me out!" Pete was banging on the door trying to talk to a furious Patrick.
"The door is unlocked why do you just open it then!" Patrick screamed back in retaliation. Pete reaches for the knob but once his hands made contact he flinched back in pain.
"Did you seriously put holy water on the door knob!?"
"Yes and I've got my spray bottle too so you better watch it!"
Pete was annoyed and a little scared at this point. He pulled his sleeve down over his hand and opened the door as fast as he could to cause minimal damage to himself. As Pete burst through he saw a maddening Patrick his hands behind his back,
"Before you spray me in the face with your demon juice just let me talk....please" Pete was begging at this point, just wanting Patrick to forgive him.
"First of all it's literally anti demon water but okay. You have 1 minute, go" Pete dropped to his knees begging Patrick to forgive him, swearing he'll never eat Patrick's candy corn ever again and violently shouting his love for Patrick. Patrick looked at his watch with a bored expression and sighed.
"Okay I forgive you, but I am still annoyed with you." Patrick smiled at Pete with a small smile. Pete jumped to his feet pulling Patrick to him by his waist, as Pete went in to kiss Patrick he fell back in absolute pain. Patrick stood smirking as Pete's eyes watered and his face slowly began healing the third degree burns on his face.  Patrick slowly pulled out a rosary from under his shirt,
"Eat shit vampy" at that Patrick walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner, he was craving Italian for some reason...

HAPPY HALLOEVE WHATCHA BEING THIS YEAr?!? Above is the first and most likely only photo you will see of me here. Stalk my insta if ya want tho

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