Chapter SixtyTwo

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This chapter is literally just smut with a tad of fluffiness too. Skipping it will not detract from the story in any way, so feel free to read or pass! This is also my ~first attempt~ at writing like this so I apologize if it sucks.

I acxtually decided to remove this didn't really feel necessary or like it fit? If you really want to read it reach out to me and i can message you a link/


After a moment of softness, gentle kisses and soft caresses, the two took a shower together, laughing and splashing one another with water, before putting on their warm, fuzzy pajamas and climbing back into the bed they shared. Leo wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her securely to his side. She felt safest, curled up with him like this. Like nothing could ever touch the two of them, safely hidden away, in their little cocoon of blankets.

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