Chapter FourtyTwo

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As a warning to all, there are references to past sexual assault in this chapter. (Mentioned, not discussed) please proceed with caution. Please avoid "session two," as this is the only time where this is referenced.

Case File
Agent Asia Penelope Monroe

Code name: The Renegade

Status: Active/Pending Assessment

Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D. ; Strike Team Delta ; Fortification Project (pending assessment outcome)

Classified Files : Eyes Only. Case Files duplication is hereby not permitted. Anyone found to be copying these files will be suspended.

Assessment Leader: Doctor Andrew Garner

Assessment Process: Daily sessions regarding mental health and status of power control. Monitoring of vitals accepted by Agent. Monitoring of daily practices accepted by Agent.

Assessment Goal: Determine continuation of employment with S.H.I.E.L.D., determine if Agent is cleared to return to active duty. Failure to return will result in a successful TAHITI Program and life restructure.

Agent Dossier: Agent Monroe has been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for redacted years, following the events of redacted , resulting in the death of both parents as disappearance of younger sister. Kept in care of Agent redacted until age of redacted and entrance to the Operations Program at the Academy. Trained alongside Agent Grant Ward ( redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted).

Immediately following graduation from the Academy, Agent Monroe was appointed to work under Agents Barton and Romanov, as a third member of Strike Team Delta (see Fortification Project ). Following redacted Years, Agent Monroe was transfered to a team under Agent Phillip Coulson (see Director). Has been with team through The Fall. Was with team during incident in San Juan. redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted. Occurrences have resulted in change to Agent Monroe's molecular DNA. Results include the ability to manipulate and produce ice (research subject to change following further assessment).

Agent has been conducting self practice in regards to control. Observations included medication, muscle control, mental studies and practice. Can conclude Agent has displayed adequate mental and physical status in regards to control and power manipulation. Agent has displayed growth in sessions. It is my personal opinion that, with further time and observation, Agent Monroe will be fully released to active duty and all holds removed. I will continue to monitor her for the remainder of the coming week to assure accurate assessment - A. Gardner.

Sessions Question and Answer:

Session One;

Q: What methods have you been using to train yourself so appropriately?

A: Meditation, mostly. Nothing fancy, breathing exercises, mental cleansing, all of the usual stuff. Things Nat taught me, back in the day.

Q: Why did you shoot yourself the other evening?

A: I mean, it wasn't....I knew the gun was an Icer. I wasn't trying to kill myself, I would never do that. But I knew that...that if I didn't get the situation under control, my team could come into harm. So I eliminated the threat, this time it just happened to be me. My training, everything we do here at SHIELD, has taught me to protect my team. That's all I was doing. Is that a good enough answer?

Q: How did you feel when you couldn't control it?

A: Honestly, it was terrible, and terrifying. The idea that...that I could hurt my team, even when I was trying so hard to get it under control, it is one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced. That's why I've been training myself so intensely. I don't want to ever put them in danger like that, again.

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