Chapter FiftyNine

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When they finally reached the outer wall of the building, Leo got to work at getting them inside, pulling out some tools and doing something (Asia wasn't entirely sure what) to a panel on the side of the building by the door. All she really knew is he was breaking them in and he was damn good at it. While the others stood huddled against the wind, Asia let her hood drop, the cool breeze blowing against her, making her feel...refreshed. Like she was ready to take whoever they might encounter inside. Like she was turbocharged and she could take out anything. THe fresh, cold air that bit at the others made her feel like she could sense every molecule of water near by. And she loved it. But soon the door was open and the team was filing in. Allegedly, Bakshi was supposed to meet them nearby.

After Leo finished overriding the code to the door, the team slipped quietly inside, shutting the door behind them with as little sound as possible, much as the wind tried to push it closed with a bang. "That was some fancy work back there," Asia said, nudging Leo in the shoulder with her own teasingly. "Made pretty quick work of it," she looked over at him, and he could see her smile even in the dim lighting.

"Yea well, I'm good with my hands," he quipped back, causing her to muffle a laugh with the sleeve of her heavy jacket. "Though, you already know that," he continued the light teasing, bumping her upper arm with his own shoulder. She looked back up at him and grinned, pressing her body back against his.The two would have been content to keep throwing teasing lines back and forth all night if they weren't trying to be sneaky. So after that, they let the lines drop as they progressed further down the hallway into more darkness. The black of the hall was so deep Asia felt like she was being swallowed alive. But they kept going, focusing on sound and touch, not wanting to risk the attention a flashlight would bring.

The team moved through a large, hot boiler room where they ditched their jackets, then continued on. Asia unzipped the top of her longsleeve just ever so slightly, letting air in. Whenever it got too hot, she started feeling sick, and feeling sick wasn't going to help anyone today. They continued down the hall until suddenly they heard the sound of a body dropping heavily to the ground. Asia drew her pistol immediately, aiming it down the hall and pushing forward until...Bakshi came into the light. In front of him, the crumpled body of a Hydra agent.

Immediately, Ward stepped forward, holding up his hands slowly as he approached Bakshi. "Calm your mind, Bakshi," he said slowly, looking the man over, making sure he wasn't about to shoot them, too. Cautiously, he placed a hand on Bakshi's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Your compliance will be rewarded."

"I am happy to comply, sir," Bakshi said with a smile and a quick nod. "I am glad to see you fared well on your journey here. Where is Kara?"

"She's right where she needs to be," Ward said with a sigh, thinking back on the woman he had left behind at the Shield base. "Is List still here?" He asked as almost an afterthought, as if he had just remembered the entire point of their mission.

"Yes, sir, he is," Bakshi replied with a quick nod. "He is still in the lab with the prisoners. He also has a...gifted individual with him. She is one to watch out for. I am unsure as to where she has come from, but she is kept close to the heads of Hydra."

Ward studied him for a moment, thinking to himself. He was fairly certain who the woman was. He turned around and looked at Asia, who met his gaze evenly. He gave her a small nod of acknowledgement. The other Monroe girl, stolen, brainwashed, enhanced. And now, closer than Asia had been to her in years.

Asia felt her heart thudding out of her chest when she met Ward's gaze. No one else in their group seemed to notice the interaction they shared. America was here. Her little sister. And she was gifted, just like Asia was. Oh god, what had they done to her. She felt her breath clutch in her throat and the temperature around them dropped several degrees rapidly.

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