Chapter FiftyThree

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Their moment of peace didn't last long, before Coulson's voice called out to both of them, summoning them to the back of the aircraft. Asia made sure the autopilot was set for the correct course, before they climbed out of their seats and slid into a different set, in the back of the aircraft. As they sat down, it was very clear that lines had been drawn. Ward and Kara sat on one side of the aircraft, Coulson, Hunter, Leo, and Asia on the other. Leo's leg pressed flush against her own, and she could feel his shaking just ever so slightly. She pressed her own leg back against his, closing her eyes for a moment and feeling the soothing cold that radiated outwards from her and into him.

"So," Coulson said, glancing down at his watch. "I believe our mole should be in place by now. And yet. Mike's eye hasn't given us an inside view." He looked over at Ward, neutrally. "Why do you think that is?"

Ward sighed, shaking his head. "I thought there was supposed to be trust here?" He asked. "Bakshi set up a meeting with some of the higherups in Hydra. He is making sure that everything is in place so they don't suspect a thing." He looked at them as if this were the most obvious thing. Asia saw Leo's fists clench out of the corner of her eyes. "Bakshi has clear instructions. He is going to act just as he used to...before." Ward finished.

"Before he was brainwashed?" Hunter scoffed. "Oh yea, that's awful comforting," he rolled his eyes, sharing a glance with Asia who pressed her lips into a thin line, with a subtle shake of her head. He looked back at Ward, eyes narrowed. "Very, very comforting."

Coulson held up a hand, silencing the banter. "Any questions?" he addressed the group. No one spoke up, no one uttered a word. Better that way, honestly. They couldn't survive long without fighting, if they were speaking, Asia knew that much. She wasn't about to push their luck with a snarky remark.

So they all leaned back, sitting in silence. And then, as it always does, the storm broke. Or, putting it truly in perspective, Ward broke it wide open. Surprise, surprise.

"So, Fitz..." Ward said, trailing off, a grin sliding over his thin lips. Asia's eyes narrowed as she stared at him. If looks could kill, he'd be flayed alive. Leo looked up at their old teammate, silent. The smirk still on his face, Ward continued, "How have you been lately?"

Asia's body tensed in place, legs uncrossing, feet planted flat on the floor. She'd kill him. She'd kill him right now. She wanted to feel the pulse disappear beneath her hands. But she couldn't move, she didn't want to leave the man beside her, the one in so much pain. Leo looked down at his lap, squeezing his hands open and shut, holding his eyes tightly shut, trying to keep it out, trying to not let the emotions get to him. But it was no good.

He bolted up out of his chair, lunging forward at Ward, fists balled tightly, ready to swing. Asia and Hunter were up in a split second, both wrapping their arms around Leo, holding him back, while Coulson shouted for all of them to all calm down, to just remain calm. Leo's arms were still trying to swing as Asia pulled him to her, holding his face in her hands, forehead to forehead, looking him in the eyes. She took a deep breath in, nodding, not breaking eye contact. Everything else around them just seemed to fade away, until it was just the two of them, no sounds, no violence, just the two of them, foreheads touching, cold pulses moving through their bodies.

Then she shook her head, just ever so slightly. "It's not worth it," she whispered. "He's not worth it." Leo blinked, then met her eyes again, and nodded. The two broke apart and Asia turned to face Ward again, eyes narrowing once more. Sure, it wasn't worth Leo getting hurt. But for her to get her knuckles a little bloody? Yea, that'd be worth it.

"Agent Monroe," Coulson's words cut through her thoughts. "Agent Fitz, Agent Hunter. Sit down, now. That's an order."

Asia blinked, and then her face melted into a flat line. She blinked, looked up at Ward, then turned and sat back down, Leo sitting beside her, Hunter on his other side. Asia was quiet, but Leo needed to make sure that Coulson understood what they were thinking, what this was putting them through.

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