XXV. Affection or Affliction?

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Mina's Pov:

I totally closed the doors between Wonwoo and I.

It was me who said that it was over but why does it feel so painful?

The words I released is so out of my heart.

I know I hurt him. It was visible on his eyes. That's why I cant look straight at it, I know guilt will only hunt me if I do.

And now, I was all alone. I am locked with despair and I'm facing the bitter truth.

Even if I teared up the last drop of my tears, he wont ever come back.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Mina? Are you okay there?"

It was mom. I locked myself inside my room eversince I came back home.

"Do you need someone to talk to? Do you have something to share?" She said.

I slowly looked up.

Maybe I need someone to talk to right now.

"Mom. Come in, please. I need you now." I said after a sniff.

A few seconds later, she came in, worried.

She went in my bed to lie down beside me. I cried more when she did that. She also embraced me in her arms.

"Why? What happened? Tell me everything." She gently said.

"Mom? Who do you think I will follow? Is it what my mind says or what my heart feels?" I asked.

"A mind can be intelligent to pick sometimes but a heart can never be fool. A heart can never fail to see what is the truth from a lie." She answered.

"Then I guess I've made the wrong decision...I let the special person in my heart slips in my hands." I said.

"And who is this special person?" She asked.

"He was someone who sees the real me. He accepted me for who I am...for being a nerd. He gave me importance and he always showed how much he cares for me. But all of that changed when he left me. My world crashed down mom. I hate him because of that. I thought he would never come back because it is him who said that he only used me but he still did. He came back and now he is asking another chance from me." I said.

"I was about to give him a chance but he proves himself not deserving when I found out something about him again. Mom, I'm afraid to be used by someone again. It really hurts when someone really close to your heart just used you. I did what is right just like what Joo Young said. I refused to forgave Wonwoo. I closed the doors between us also. There's no way of getting back now." I continued as I wiped the tears in my eyes with the back of my hand.

I noticed that mom suddenly stopped in caressing my arms to comfort me.

"Joo Young? Wonwoo?" She asked.

"Joo Young is a friend I found when Wonwoo left. He used to bully me but he changed now, he actually helped me a lot. And...Wonwoo is the one I'm referring to. I like him mom....alot." I admitted.

"Hmm.... so, your mind keeps on saying to follow Joo Young but your heart is refusing because Wonwoo still owns it..." She said not in a question.

She got it right.

I dont know if I saw it right but my mom suddenly smiled.

"My daughter, if I were you... I'll follow my heart no matter where it leads me. I believed that this Wonwoo guy really loves you." I was surprised by what she said.

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