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I woke up to the sound of a loud knock. I jolted awake looking at the door. Rubbing my sleepy eyes. I looked over to see where Brianna was, she was curled up on a large pillow. Sound asleep.

"Hey! Wake up," She jolted upwards. A red mark on her face from where her hand was. "Open the door." She looked up at me, not really getting where she was.

Her eyes shot open a little and got up. Rolling her eyes remembering where she was. She fixed her eyes a little and rubbed her eyes, opening the door with a loud creak. I couldn't see since she was in the way, but she stiffened and bowed immediately. Then I could see it was Logan, a 'friend' of mine from another country. I forgot he was visiting.

Brianna stepped aside, visibly pale. "Hey~ Ian, why are you still in bed? Wait, let me guess, you forgot I was coming." I laughed laying back down. Too tired to get up. "I travel all the way from Babylon only for you to forget about me." Logan signed picking up one of the pillows and threw it hard at me. Landing right on my face. I laughed slightly picking up off my face and tossing it to the side.

"So... who's this," Logan said pointing over to Brianna. "Another girl for you ruin."  I sat up a little, expecting to see Brianna seething in place, instead, I saw her the same before, pale and stiff. "Hah, no, she's just re-paying me..." I looked back at Logan. "Do you know her?" He shrugged looking back at her before turning back to me. "No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Ah, I was just wondering... she's a little well known around here," I finally got up from the bed grabbing a gold gauntlet next to my bad, filled with water. I took a sip out of it " Well known thief." Logan notably nodded "So I'm guessing, she stole something from you, sold it, and can't get it back." "Spot on."

I looked back over to her, wanting to see any sort of reaction, but no, still the same. "Hey, why don't you go fill up my cup," I said, her head snapped over to me. She grabbing the gauntlet and left when I got rid of the chains. "Dang speedy..." I mumbled.

"She's pretty isn't she." Logan spoke up looking over at me, "Hah, no, not even close." He rolled his eyes leaning back "Oh yeah, that's right, your taste in girls have always been a little... skimpy."

"I have great taste in women thank you." He barked a loud laugh "Yeah, almost as great as you are charming. There's nothing there." He was starting to annoy me. "Hey, I'll take her off your hands, I wouldn't mind." He said finally his laughter. "No, she still owes me, it would be pointless if I just gave her away."

"Right..." He sighed, staring at the open doors.


Oh, gods of Egypt help me! What have I've gotten myself into? This is going to be tougher than I thought. I was on my way down a hall, heading towards the back of the palace where fresh water runs.

The Prince of Mesopotamia, of course, he would be here. Prince of the Babylonian empire, if I do something he dislikes even a little. I will be dead. I mean, it's not like he's next in line to rule over a very powerful and skillful country. No, no, nothing like that.

I'm being sarcastic.

I sighed bending down to the small pond, checking to see if it was clear and nothing floating around in it. I scooped some water into the gauntlet before standing up and trying to not let any water spill out.

I turned around and almost fell backward into the pond. Carla was standing right there, staring daggers down at me. I looked up at her with the most confused expression I could make.

She leaned down so she was at eye level with me. "You think your so clever don't you," Uh okay then. "Uh yeah, kind of, I guess, I don't know." I scratched the back of my head. "THinking you can just crawl your way to royalty." 

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