"I don't really want to talk about it. I'm just going to go home and get my head together and just...I don't know."

"Okay, well I'll make sure we pick up your dress before we leave."

"I don't think I'll need it anymore, but okay. Thanks Ky," Demi said, wrapping the younger girl in a hug, squeezing her softly before pulling away and putting her duffle bag on top of her suitcase. "I'll text you when I land."

Kourtney and Khloe mumbled their goodbyes as she left, but Kim was smart enough not to say anything. The driver was already waiting downstairs to take her to the airport, and Demi rested her head against the window after pulling her hood over her head because she didn't want to deal with paparazzi. She didn't want to deal with the world. In less than an hour, she was on a private jet heading back to California and desperately trying to put this whole nightmarish weekend behind her.

It had all started when they were at an early dinner and Trey, Odell, and some of the other players on the Giants had started to post videos of them partying on a boat. Demi wasn't surprised – Trey had texted her that he was in Miami after all – and she was fine with him enjoying himself the same way she had been, but then he had made some video bragging about some guy who delivered anything they wanted to the boat, including strippers, and then he had taken a video of the said stripper shaking her ass just for him. The whole situation was bold as fuck, and any anger that she had towards him that had slowly been dissipating returned, and now she was more pissed than she had been before.

To top it all off, Kylie had come into her room while she was angrily writing and rewriting messages to Trey, blurting something about Kim hiring a private investigator to get to the bottom of the whole Trey situation, and how TMZ was never going to break the story about him visiting Elysandra. That's what had prompted their fight and just thinking about the whole thing was giving her a headache. She actually did understand that Kim was trying to protect her but meddling in her life wasn't the way to go. Thinking about it, Demi wasn't even that angry at Kim. They had just caught her at a bad time, and she ended up lashing out, but she really wanted to lash out at Trey.

Although Kim shouldn't have hired a private investigator – literally who does that – Trey should've opened his mouth and spoke to her about this whole thing and then this whole fight could've been avoided. Demi wasn't even sure what she wanted to say to him, or what she wanted him to say to her. She had already kicked him out, so what else was there to really do? She didn't want to completely break things off, but something had to be done.

Setting: Kris's House, Calabasas, CA

Kris honestly tried her best not to get that involved in her children's' lives until they wanted her involved, but sometimes she just couldn't help it

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Kris honestly tried her best not to get that involved in her children's' lives until they wanted her involved, but sometimes she just couldn't help it. It also didn't help that she was their manager, so she had her nose in everything, and sometimes that meant doing a little bit of meddling in their personal lives to get to the bottom of things. When Demi came to her about the whole Trey and Elysandra situation, she wasn't sure what to do or say about the whole thing. It wasn't anything that she ever had to deal with before, so she first did what she did best: she threw an NDA at the situation and forced Elysandra to sign a very binding document, basically saying that she would keep her mouth shut about this whole thing after clarifying that the baby wasn't Trey's. Once that was done, she decided to go to the source of the problem: Trey.

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