What have i done?

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I woke up with an excruciating headache. I tried to move but I was trapped. I looked down and saw a tan arm. This is either Dana o- who the hell am I kidding? I know exactly who it is. I tried to peel his hand off but that just resulted in him pulling me closer. I shook him awake. He didn't even move. I rolled on top of him and yelled hair quietly into his ear. He shot awake and almost fell off the bed. He was in his boxers and I was in a long shirt, preferably his.

"What happened?" He said and I shrugged. I got up and felt no pain. I guess nothing happened.

"Nothing happened," I said. "I don't know why you're in my bed, but I know that nothing happened."

"How do you know?" He asked looking at me and then his shirt.

"Cause I feel no pain." I said and he had a confused look. "You know, down there?"

He still had no clue.

"I'm a virgin." I said and he chuckled. "I know," he laughs. "I just wanted you to say it."

I hit him playfully and rolled my eyes.

"I better go check on everyone." I said strolling out. I walked downstairs and saw everyone passed out on the floor. I got pots and pans and banged them together. Everyone shot awake. "Wake up!"

Half of them groaned while the other half shot daggers at me.

"You're a bitch!" Robin said.

"No shit," I said and she gaped at something on me.

"Oh my gosh." She gasped. "You shagged him?"

"No," I said strolling to show her. "I don't remember what happened."

"I do," Puppy boy said. All heads turned to him. At that moment Zayn ran downstairs.

"Have you seen my trousers?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Anyway," I said. "Puppy boy was gonna tell us what happened."

"It's Liam." he said pouting. Stella giggled and I gagged.

"Cause I care?" I said rolling my eyes. "Just get to it."

"No!" he said crossing his arms. "You don't get to know."

"Li the girl has a chainsaw in her room." Zayn says frantically. "Just do what she says."

He nodded frantically. "Well, I snogged Stella, Niall snogged Jesse, Louis snogged Robin, Harry snogged Dana...well more of a quick shag, Zayn snogged Courtney and Heaven." He explained and I almost had a heart attack. "We played have you ever. Zayn ran into Heaven's room, she ran after him and they crashed. Louis and Robin suggested we prank them so we switched their clothes. Then everyone basically passed out."

I let out a sigh of relief but then a thought hit me. "Don't you have a fiancé?" I said to Zayn. "No no no no no. I will not be that kind of girl, please tell me I didn't snogg him."

"But you did." Liam said and I face palmed.

"I can't believe I did that." I said. "I promised her nothing was gonna happen."

"Don't worry about Perrie." Zayn said with careless look. He didn't even care. I ran upstairs as best as I could in his t-shirt. I picked out my blue 'too sassy for you' shirt, a blue matching skirt, and my blue transparent Doc Martins. I took a shower and got dressed. I felt like I had to impress for some reason.

I strolled downstairs.

Zayn's p.o.v

Heaven strolled downstairs in a skirt?

Zayn Malik? But do I care?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant