Chapter 6: Broken things can be fixed

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More steady now, Lil pushed herself off the wall, "Then explain it. Or so help me, I WILL scream."

The boy held his hands out, in peace, "Fine, fine. But you're not going to believe me."

Lil shook her head, "You just flew! So unless I'm dreaming, which I really hope I'm not, I'll believe you."

The boy studied her again but she didn't move from her stance.

"Well it goes like this. I came here in search of someone," he cleared his throat, "In search of a girl."

Lilith rolled her eyes, "So?"

"So, instead, I find you!"

"Me?" She asked.

He sighed, frustrated, and threw his hands up, "Why is this so hard to explain!"

The boy plopped down onto the ground and sighed again.

Lilith didn't quite know what to make of the situation. A normal person would be petrified. Waking up to find a strange, but gorgeous, boy in her room wearing nothing but leaves, and he flies.

But Lil wasn't scared, she was confused. And she wanted answers. So, she moved closer to the boy and sat down across from him.

"Why don't you start by telling me why you were crying." She asks.

The boy scoffs, "I wasn't crying."

Lil stiffles a small laugh, "Alright then. Why were you... upset."

The boy looks up at her, "I was upset, because I picked up that glass thing and cut my hand open!"

He held out his hand and Lilith gasped at the wound. It was deep and bleeding immensely. She couldn't even imagine the pain he was in, yet he barely seemed to feel it.

Lil reached forward and grabbed his hand to examine it better. He flinched and tried to pull away, but Lil held on tightly.

She gently touched it and he hissed.

"This looks bad." She informed him.

"I noticed."

She looked up at him through the pieces of her hair that had fallen in her face and after a minute, he sheepishly smiled. Lil sat up straight, still holding his hand in her lap, "What'd you cut yourself on?"

He used the other hand to point to an object on the floor next to him, "That thing."

Lil looked over and saw that he was talking about her snowglobe. The one that broke in the box.

"Why did you pick it up if it was broken?" She smiled.

He shrugged, "I wanted to look at it."

This boy definitely was strange. He looked like a teenager, but his personality was almost.... child like.

Lilith let go of his hand, "Would you like me to clean it for you?"

The boy seemed uncertain of how to respond, so he just nodded.

She got up and walked into her bathroom. Flipping on the light switch, she bent down and began searching through the cabinet for bandages and a clean rag. She wet the rag with warm water and walked back to the boy, who sat cross legged in the middle of the room.

Lilith reached for his hand and he gave it to her.

"This might sting a little." She warned.

Again In NeverlandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora