Chapter - 33

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   Pha slept soundly until he woke up for no apparent reason near midnight. Everything was silent. He had accidently slept in his uniform and left the lights on. After changing to his pyjamas wearily, he glanced at the balcony doors and decided to approach it. With shaking hands, he pulled back the curtains and looked out. Forth was fast asleep on the floor, legs sprawled and arms tucked away. Pha rolled his eyes and sighed.

   Opening the doors, he stepped out and nudged Forth repeatedly to get him to awake. Forth groaned and stretched, gaining some consciousness. He lit up when he saw Pha's face. "Hey" he rasped in a low voice. Pha glared at him, indicating he was still not happy.

   "Shut up and get inside"

   Pha marched back inside, going straight to the cupboard and started pulling out covers. He laid it down messily on the floor and gave the other a spare pillow. Forth had followed in and watched each movement Pha made.

   “Are we not going to talk about this?” Forth asked in a quiet voice. Pha wanted to ignore him but he just kept looking at him for an answer.

   “I don’t have to talk about it” he snapped harshly. Pha was the type to hold grudges and the type to be deadly silent when he was furious.

   Forth let out a desperate sigh, “Look, what Cherry said-”

   “Please shut up and leave me alone” Pha huffed and buried himself into his bed, staying close to the edge that was furthest away from Forth. Forcing his eyes shut, mainly to cease any tears, he slowly drifted off to sleep.


   Forth woke up the following morning, almost forgetting what happened the day before. His body shot up from the floor and he looked around, only to see that Pha had already left.

   “Shit” he cursed and scrambled on to his feet, glancing out the window to see Pha was walking towards the end of the street.

   Rushing out the door, he ran to the front door, passing Prem along the way.

   “Hi P'Prem! Bye P'Prem!” Forth called behind him as Prem looked awkwardly dumbfounded.

   He raced down the street after Pha, calling after his name. Pha was startled for a moment and turned round to see Forth charging at him. He halted in front of Pha and puffed heavily.

   “You didn’t wait for me.” He stated. Pba looked up at him with an annoyed expression, “Why would I?”

   Forth frowned, “Because whether you like it or not, we are in a relationship”

   Pha scoffed, “This is not a relationship! We’ve been official for a day or two!”

   Forth run his hand through his hair in frustration, “It’s not like that! If you-”

   “No! Just tell me, did you or did you not sleep with Cherry” Pha demanded to know, looking straight at him, shooting daggers with his eyes.

   Forth looked at him for a long second and closed his eyes. “Yes”

   Pha breathed out in a sigh of disbelief, “When?”

   “I don’t want to go through this like this” Forth tried to reason. Pha quickly cut him off, hissing with clenched teeth, “When?”

   “It was the day she was meant to leave town. She was upset and crying and I-” Forth tried to explain himself, try to ease the blame.

   Pha fists clench and his heart felt like it was sinking to the pit of his stomach, sending a wash of sickness through him. “So you were fucking her, as well as me?” he retorted in anger, cursing coming out with such venom.

   Forth sighed loudly, “It wasn’t like that”

   Pha folded his arms over his chest, “Was I just a stupid fuck to you?”

   Forth shook his head violently and tried to reach out to Pha but the other shook him off, “No! I love you! You know I do!”

   Pha snorted rudely, “Oh sure you do. I’m guessing that was just another ruse to get into my pants was it?”

   Forth groaned in annoyance when Pha wouldn’t even listen to him properly, cutting him off and replying sarcastically.

   “Don’t be stupid Pha. Cherry is nothing to me, alright, nothing” He cried out in attempt to win him over.

   “But I am stupid Forth; stupid enough to actually believe a word you’ve said to me” Pha said, turning round to resume his walk to school. Forth did the same, trying anything and everything to get Pha's attention.

   “Don’t do this. I’ve meant everything I said.”

   Forth tried hard to get Pha to listen to him but the other ignored everything, listening to the sound of his damaged heart tick away in random beats as if it doesn’t seem to work anymore.

   No you wouldn’t cry.

   At least not in front of anyone.


   Unfortunately, Forth couldn’t follow him everywhere and somewhere during the school day, Pha had gotten rid of the other long enough for him to think a bit clearer without his voice haunting him.

   Weir loitered around the school building, driving in a dark car with the windows tinted. Should he execute his plan today? Or watch a little more of the little drama in front of him?

   No...maybe something that would be a little more fun. His eyes twinkled, knowing that the final bell would ring very soon.

   The school day ended and Pha hastily walked out. On cue, Weir stepped out of his car and it wasn’t long before Pha realised that the man was walking to him.

   “Oh it’s you” Pha commented when the man smiled at him. Weir shoved his hands in his pockets in a boyish way, “So you do remember me”

   “Yes, the one who made me walk an extra bit” Pha muttered. Weir laughed and teased, “Well hey, it helped with the fat burning right”

   Pha gave him a look that made him stop laughing at him.

   “Hey, do you maybe want to go to town with me?” Weir asked, his eyes gliding through the crowds of students. They lit up with excitement as he watched Forth’s head bob in-out and, seemingly searching for Pha.

   Pha shrugged softly, “Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do”

   Weir deviously smiled as he guided him to his car. The man's head turned back and his eyes met Forth. They locked for a long time until Forth realised, he was watching his brother escort Pha into his car.

   His heart stopped and he ran fast towards the car, calling Pha's name, but the other could barely hear it.

   Weir chuckled to himself as he grabbed the steering wheel and sped away, watching Forth lose to him in the rear view mirror.


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