Chapter - 7

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The next day arrived quicker than expected and it was that day again; Valentine's Day. Pha had nothing against the 'holiday' it was just hearing people complain that they would be alone forever and live in a house of cats, ticked him off just a tiny bit. He always thought that they wouldn't be saying these sorts of things if they had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Being hin, Pha had neither, and he was happy with being single.

As he slid down the banister of the stairs, he noticed Prem fumbling with his bag. Pha silently crept up and peered closely to see what he was doing. He had zipped up a very fluffy white bear and swung his bag over his shoulder. When he finally noticed Pha, he jumped back in surprise.

"Shiaaa! What the hell are you doing creeping up on people?" Prem scolded with a pink face. Pha snickered aloud, "My bad"

He went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast before leaving to go to school. Prem sighed in relief, hoping that his brother saw nothing.

"HURRY UP!" he shouted after Pha. Pha rolled his eyes and went to get his skateboard which was usually propped beside the front door.

He stuck a piece of toast in his mouth which threatened to fall when he saw his skateboard. With trembling hands he pointed at it with a face feigned with horror.

"P-phii!!, my skateboard...where are my wheels?" his eyes were rounded in shock. He pointed an accusing finger at Prem, "Did you do this?"

Prem scoffed, "Why would I touch the death machine? I guess you'll have to walk, with me and Forth." He laughed a little and went out of the house to where Forth was propped on the wall, waiting patiently.

"HOEYY! YOU PLANNED THIS!" Pha shouted, marching out the house but not before slamming the door for good affect.

Prem blinked, "Why would I do that Nong?"

Pha growled, "Because you want me to walk with him! Thanks a lot Forth, because of your childish behaviour, my skateboard got slaughtered!" he crossed his arms and walked ahead.

Forth scoffed, "What childish behaviour?" he said in disbelief, catching up with Pha, "You should really check your behaviour. I'm pretty sure you have a personality disorder"

Pha punched him in the arm, "Shut up, I'm blaming you until my wheels are returned because P'Prem always wants us to 'get along'!"

Forth's face scrunched in pain, "Shiaa!! Big jerk..." he muttered under his breath, rubbing his arm. Pha in turn glared at him and walked faster. Prem watched the two warily; maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to steal those wheels.

In school, Pha carried on like it was a normal day. His school didn't make a fuss about certain holidays, probably just Christmas, but usually the students would.

He rested his chin in his hand as he slouched against the table, watching the clock tick by. His lesson couldn't be any more boring. He turned to his side to see Forth was paying attention to the lesson, taking in what the teacher was saying like the majority of the class. Why was it only him who couldn't concentrate?

"A picture lasts longer" Forth whispered, still writing down the words that came out of the teacher's mouth. Pha lightly scoffed, "I can't use my camera in here" he retorted.

Forth smiled in amusement, "What do you want then?"

Pha sighed and rested his head on the table, "I, am, bored"

"Entertain yourself then" Forth replied. Pha kept his bored face on, "Geez, could you be any less specific"

Forth chuckled, a bit too loudly that the teacher noticed.

"Problem Mr Jathurapoom?" he asked, irritated that he was being interrupted by one of his students and that he had to stop blabbering on.

Forth shook his head, "No sir"

"Right be quiet then" the teacher resumed teaching the class. Forth gave Pha a stern look, "Do your work jerk"

Pha furrowed his brows, "Let me just copy yours asshole" he replied in his same nonchalant tone.

Forth leaned close into Pha's ear, "How about this? If you can be a good boy this lesson, maybe I'll give you a reward"

Pha chortled loudly, gaining everyone's attention. He immediately stopped and looked away from the teacher's burning glare.

"Why'd you laugh idiot?" Forth asked, amused at the recent events. Pha shrugged, "I don't know. Just never thought I'd hear that from you"

He nodded in acknowledgement, "Ok, listen to this then, lunch time; meet me on the roof top"

Forth went back to doing his work as if nothing had happened. Pha still looked at him, letting the new information sink in and he found himself smiling at it. He too, started to do his class work, not knowing that someone close by was watching.


Pha made his way up onto the roof and cautiously looked around, looking for Forth. When nothing happened he sighed but was suddenly yanked at his elbow and pressed up against the wall. Forth stood before him with a bad boy grin on his face.

"I came" Pha announced, "What is it that you wanted?" he added, trying to act oblivious to the closeness between them. Forth's right hand crawled playfully behind his body, and cupped his ass. A gasp of surprise left Pha's lips as he felt Forth's hand squeeze them, feeling the firmness of them.

Pha chuckled; Forth didn't waste time.

Pha held on to the back of Forth's neck, pulling his face closer for a kiss. His lips brushed up against his, making Pha's lips twitch with excitement. Forth pressed his lips, parting them slightly so Pha's lips fit perfectly with his.

The kiss was short. Forth had other plans. Pha could feel the soft trail of kisses left down his jaw before Forth left wet kiss beneath it. His index finger tilted Pha's chin up so he could find the weak spot again.

Pha whimpered gently as Forth's lips encased around a patch of skin and his cheeks hollowed slightly, vacuuming the air and pulling at Pha's neck. His hands wound around Forth's neck urging him to continue. The weird feeling it gave in between his legs was addictive. Forth placed his knee in between Pha's legs. He felt it move closer up and he braced himself for what he imagined would feel in a few seconds.

But then Forth's knee went back down again. Pha groaned, "Tease" he muttered causing Forth to laugh softly. He pulled away, "Why let you have all the fun?"

Pha blinked at him, "You want me to..."

Before Forth could respond, they both heard a shuffling of feet and a door slam.

Pha and Forth froze and stared in utter surprise. He carefully looked past Forth and saw no one around but the uneasy feeling in his stomach was still there.

"We should go" Forth said. Pha quickly nodded in agreement and both left the area as if nothing happened.


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