Chapter - 1

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   It was a typical morning at the Kongthanin household. Pha was running in and out of his bedroom trying to find his washed uniform and Prem was tapping his feet by the door waiting for his Nong, only to leave in the end once Forth came knocking on the door.

   "HEY P'PREM! DID YOU TAKE MY WATCH AGAIN?" Pha screamed from the top of the stairs.

   Prem scoffed and rolled his eyes, "WHY WOULD I? MY PATEK PHILIPPE IS PERFECT AS IT IS!" he shouted back.

   Their mom came in to the hallway and scolded them both, "OWHH!! WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING? GET TO SCHOOL!"

   'Errr, you screamed too' Pha thought in his head and quickly grabbed his bag. The door banged closed signalling Prem had left. Pha could care less. If it meant walking with that Forth, he would rather be late and get a week’s worth of detention.

   He raced to the door, "See ya later mom!" He grabbed his skateboard and rushed out.

   "DON’T BAN-"

   Pha shut the door with a bang that echoed through the house. His mom sighed and shook her head, "those kids"

   Pha cruised effortlessly down the road on his skateboard and noticed two familiar figures up ahead: P'Prem and Forth. They weren’t that far from the school. He stuck his tongue out in the corner of his mouth in concentration and rushed faster.

   A gust of Wind blew past the boys as he drove menacingly past. He came to a halt in front of them and held out his hand to Prem.

   Prem gave him a questioning look, "Yes?"

   Pha gave him a knowing look, "You do this every morning, now give me my lunch money" he whined. Prem laughed amusedly and fished out the notes in his pocket and handed it to Pha.

   Pha accepted With a smile but before he could, his brother withdrew his hand. Pha pouted and sighed. He turned to Forth, "Hi Forth" he said in a dry voice. Forth just snorted.

   "Happy Phii~, I tried being nice now, money" Pha held out his hand again. Prem handed it over, still quite unsatisfied. 'I’ve got to do something' he thought.

   Pha left them and sailed into the school building with his skateboard. But it didn't last long. He was immediately stopped by one of the teachers, "Mr Kongthanin, outdoor sports belong outside, not inside the school building"

   Pha sighed and carried his skateboard, "Yes Mam" he mumbled and headed over to his class before he was marked late. Of course that wouldn’t have been a bad thing, considering who he had to sit next to.

   "Forth fucking Jathurapoom" Pha muttered under his breath as he slipped into his seat. Forth ignored his existence and waited patiently for the teacher to arrive but it was pretty hard to. Pha was laughing loudly and talking animatedly with another classmate.

   He flicked Pha's shoulder, gaining his attention, "Hey big mouth, keep it down will you!"

   Pha rubbed his shoulder and gave Forth an angry frown, "No I won’t" He flicked him back, this time harder. Before Forth could retaliate, a sugary voice filled the room.

   "P'Forth ka~!!"

   Cherry, Forth's girlfriend, came skipping into the room heading straight for Forth. Pha's lips curled in disgust as she giggled like a small toddler and sat on Forth's lap. Pha rolled his eyes and looked away, seeing the stupid grin on Forth's face.

   "How can you not get annoyed with her voice?" Pha mumbled to himself.

   "What was that?" Cherry looked at Pha with stern eyes.

   Pha gave her his most innocent smile, "Nothing Cherry but Teacher is here and I don't think he's too happy right now"

   Just as he had said, their teacher was glaring at the two lovebirds and waiting with a red face for them to realise that he had arrived, "Now, if you two aren’t busy I’d like to start my lesson"

   Cherry bowed in apology and shuffled back to her own seat. Forth growled at Pha, "A warning would have been nice"

   Pha scoffed quietly, "When am I ever nice to you, idiot?"

   "Hmm, Whenever P'Kongpob is around" he smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, pretending to listen to the lesson. Pha glared in disbelief, "You...What?"

   The teacher slammed a ruler down on the desk, "Problem Phana and Forth?" The class turned their heads in their direction.

   Pha stood up, "Yes sir, I can’t sit next to this...thing" he spluttered out with hand gestured measuring out Forth.

   Forth glared at him and stood up, "What makes you think I’d want to sit next to you!"

   Cherry raised her hand, "P'Forth can sit next to me!"

   "QUIET!" The teacher shouted. The whole class froze and looked at him, "You both shall sit back down quietly, without a word and you shall remain that way for the rest of the lesson!" he turned back to the text book in his hand.

   "Oh, and please make note of the detention you have during lunch today"

   Pha and Forth sat back down with a silent groan.

   "Asshole, now look What you’ve done" Pha whispered while copying down the notes on the whiteboard.

   "Cow face, this was your fault!" Forth retorted with a hiss. Pha flashed a deadly look at him and continued working, trying not to acknowledge the annoying person beside him.


   So, Howz the story, shall I continue? Oh! Don't forget to vote and Comment.



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