Chapter - 2

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   Pha's feet shuffled slowly to the detention room. Each step was heavier than the last. Even his body was rejecting the idea of spending his lunch in detention. And to make it worse, it had to be with that Forth.

   A great sigh left his mouth as he sat down in a seat far, far away from Forth. They both ignored each other. Not a word was said.

   The teacher came in with a plate of food for himself since it was also his lunch break. It was more torture for the two in the detention room, Who weren't getting theirs.

   Pha groaned inwardly.

   Forth glanced at him and scowled, 'Ape...'

   Pha sneezed and then the teacher looked up at the two, looking somewhere other than his food.

   "Nong'Pha and Nong'Forth again" he gave a sarcastic smile before turning serious again, "Both of you sit on the middle table at the front"

   Forth's eyes bulged, "But sir that was how we even got this annoying detention"

   Pha nodded vigorously, "I’m not sitting next to him!"

   The teacher still wouldn’t budge. He waited for Pha and Forth to move without a word. It wasn’t long before both students sighed and dragged their bodies to the assigned table.

   They both glared at each other then looked away.

   "Ass" Pha hissed to himself. Forth's ears pricked up as he heard what Pha had said. He ‘accidently’ kicked him under the table.

   Pha breathed sharply in surprise and slight pain. He cracked his knuckles and sly punched Forth's arm while the teacher buried his face in his food. Forth flinched, clenching his jaw, "You punch like a freak"

   Pha gave him a smug smile, "What? Can’t handle it?"

   "Hey, what’s with the whispering?" the teacher snapped. Pha and Forth looked away upon hearing the teacher’s voice; They both had what seemed permanent grimaces. Pha crossed his arms over his chest, and Forth did the same, as if saying that they didn’t enjoy each other’s presence. Though it needn’t to be said; it was already very much clear.

   The teacher stood up, "I’ll be back from the canteen. No funny business" he left with his plate in his hand, hurrying off to find more food to fill his monster of a stomach.

   The atmosphere was quiet again. Pha hated quiet.

   Forth shifted in his seat, this time really accidently bumping into Pha. Pha almost lost his balance but luckily regained it. He turned his head slowly at Forth with a very furious expression.

   "Hoeyy, watch it you big oaf!" He shouted.

   "I was going to say it was an accident but now, I think i would do it again" He flicked Pha's forehead. Pha scrunched up his face. Forth's flicks were the worst! Pha rubbed the sore spot, cursing at the other.

   "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Are you fingers made of metal?" Pha screamed. Forth scoffed, "Don't scream like a dog in public!”

   Pha was about to hit Forth's arm again but he successfully caught the punch. Forth jerked Pha forward all of a sudden. His eyes rounded in shock. He had never been so up close to Forth before. And he didn’t like the feeling of it either.

   "Shiaa, let me go" Pha whined; his voice was a little less loud this time.

   Forth smirked, "Why, you think I’ll do something?" he let go and scoffed, "I have only Cherry in my eyes"

   Pha snorted in disgust, "What, that little princess fairy?"

   Forth flashed a look at Pha that screamed murder, "Keep that trap shut, baboon"

   Pha rolled his eyes and mumbled, "I will when her voice goes down an octave"

   Forth flicked the back of his head. Pha screamed in annoyance, "FORTH!!"


   The rest of the day flew by with moment of Pha's swearing under his breath. All for Forth of course. When he reached home, he was still in a bad mood. He kicked his shoes off, dropped his skateboard by the door and dumped his bag on the sofa.

   Prem was already there. "Hey Nong" he greeted. Pha gave him a small grunt of acknowledgement.

   Prem looked at him carefully, "Um, would you be a cutiee and get me my bag from my room"

   Pha gave his brother a look, "Get it yourself" he returned back to watching the TV.

   Prem sighed, "Please, or I’ll invite Kongpob over right now and show him your baby photos"

   Pha gaped at Prem. Knowing his brother would be likely to do something like that, Pha kicked his legs in frustration, "Fine!"

   Pha stomped up the stairs and burst into his brothers room. He immediately stopped in his tracks.

   Forth was tied to a chair, duct tape on his mouth and muffling something incoherent and nodding his head towards the door. Pha spun round to see the door shut with a loud bang and then a click of a lock.

   He rushed to the door and rattled the door knob hoping it would budge.


   Prem snickered, "No way little bro, you and Forth better start talking and get along by the time I get back"

   "What? Where the hell are you going? Open this door now!" Pha pounded his fist on the door.

   "See ya!" He heard his brother's voice for the final time and then the sound of the front door closing. He turned back and saw a very angry Forth.

   "Great...just great" Pha muttered.


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