Chapter - 38

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   After that small text message, Pha heard nothing from Forth. He had even stopped calling Prem after a while, cutting off all ties he had. It was depressing at first for Pha. He spent day dragging his weight to lessons and actually taking the effort to remember to breathe and simple things like that.

   Bit by bit, it became easier for him.

   Now Pha was more happy, cruising through his senior year and focusing on his goals. Prem had been accepted to a few universities and had decided to go to Kasetsart University. Kit seemed a bit reluctant for him to go, but it all worked out well in the end.

   The summer without Forth was a bit of a disappointment. Sure, Pha had expected, if Forth was still here, to be spending time with him.

   Instead, he was busying himself with volunteering and housework.

   In the courtyard of the school, Pha laid down his books and bag on the table, sitting across from Kit.

   “Oh God, there’s so much work to do already and it’s only been a couple of weeks” he complained, sighing in exhaustion.

   Kit whined, feeling Pha's pain, “That is so true. Why does my brain have to be so eager for knowledge?”

   Pha gave him a look, raising his eyebrow at the other. Kit frowned in response and whacked Phay arm, “Oi, I can be clever when I want to be”

   Pha laughed lightly, moving away from Kit's lethal hands. “Sure Kitty, sure.”

   “How was your summer?” Kit asked him while spooning the Tom Yum soup he bought. Pha shrugged, “Nothing special. Did a few things here and there. You?”

   “It was good. You weren’t missing certain things...?” Kit said slowly, refusing to make eye contact.

   Pha sighed loudly, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “Sure, I may have thought about him. I can’t turn off my feelings like a switch you know. But, at this rate, it looks like he’s never coming back. Maybe it’s time to move on. I don’t want to be waiting forever for something that will never happen”

   Kit had a saddened expression on his face and Pha tried to assure him that he was completely fine now. Pha was fine. He was smiling more and thinking less about Forth.

   He was absolutely fine.

   He went to sleep that night, feeling content after finishing a whole pile of worksheets he needed to do for his lessons. He stretched his arms and yawned as he moved every piece of paper from his bed.

   It was deiinitely time to go to bed.

   He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

   Forth lips were on his. Short and desperate gasps left his mouth when the other buried his face into his neck to devour and bruise several sweet points. Pha was a mess in his arms, moaning and writhing uncontrollably, unable to comprehend the heightened pleasure and rippling rushes that sped through every cell in him.

   Pha's legs tightened around his waist, holding him tightly with everything he had in him.

   Pha woke up with a sudden jolt, sitting up right in his bed. He was quivering and sweating as if everything he had experienced in his dream was all real. It felt so real.

   The taste of Forth and every touch he made. The way his body moulded into his perfectly was engraved into his brain.

   All this time he had suppressed the thought of Forth and now he was back to haunt him. Forth would never want to leave his thoughts.

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