Chapter - 20

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   Kongpob left Pha's house with a smile on his face. The other boys were waiting for him in the drive way, ready to leave.

   Korn cupped his hand around his mouth and shouted, “Hurry up, will you? I’m getting old”

   Even with that remark, Kongpob managed to keep his happy self intact. All he could think of was the arrangements planned for tomorrow with Pha. He would make sure the younger guy had the best time ever.

   “Geez did you get laid or something?” Park commented, noticing that the bright grin on Kongpob’s face was not going to leave any time soon.

   “Nope” He sang in a delightful tone.

   Bright chuckled, “Ooh, I bet it has something to do with certain Kongthanin” he flinched suddenly when he felt Forth pinch his back subtly. Bright just rolled his eyes at his Nong.

   “Yes in fact” Kongpob replied, walking past them, sauntering down the street as if it were a cloud. The other boys followed after him, exceptionally curious. Forth frowned slightly; he had a bad feeling churning in his stomach.

   “Well?” Korn urged him on to speak.

   Kongpob chuckled. “We’re going on a date. That’s all”

   Park cheered loudly, “About time!”

   Korn soon joined in, clapping him on the back. Bright was about to congratulate him but remembered the Forth and Pha's situation. He looked at the younger boy, seeing a deep frown on his face. He sighed and nudged Forth, “At least act a little happy for Kongpob. You may feel betrayed but you have a girlfriend too”

   Forth blinked, “Why would I feel betrayed? Me and him are just a fling” he lightly scoffed and walked ahead. “I’ve got to go guys. See ya”

   He didn’t wait for the others response but simply hastily walked away, not wanting to even think about being happy for Kongpob’s achievement in getting a fate with Pha.

   Once he returned home, he found Cherry sleeping on the couch, a book limping resting on her stomach. Forth sighed loudly. When did his life get so stressful?

   He placed the book on the coffee table and brought a blanket to cover Cherry. She stirred in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open.

   “Hey” she said in a morning voice, “How was the trip?”

   Forth shrugged, “Alright I guess”

   Cherry stared at him, realising there were multiple thoughts on his mind. “Come sit” she said, patting the seat beside her as she sat up a little. Forth slumped into the sofa, relaxing his whole body and holding the bridge of his nose.

   “I know you must be tired of running” Cherry said calmly.

   “Tired is an understatement” Forth said.

   “I know, but you knew what you were going to go through once you escaped that monster with me, yeah?” Cherry said, patting his shoulder in comfort. Forth nodded, making a small nose of understanding.

   “If we just lay low, he’ll never find us” she reassured. She got up, excusing herself to have a shower.

   Forth suddenly grabbed his keys and put on his shoes, leaving the apartment. There was too much baggage attached to him whenever he was around Cherry, or anyone related to his brother; the man who didn’t deserve to be called his brother.

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