"So? What now?" Makoto asked with a light hearted laugh.

"Go put on something nice. We're going out." Haru said as he walked in through the front door with his hand placed at the small of Makoto's waist.

"How nice?" Makoto asked, turning around to look at Haru.

"Almost the nicest clothes you own...like not a tux or a full suit...just something formal." Haru spoke and Makoto was almost sure that Haru was kidding, but from the complete seriousness on his face, he knew that there was no kidding.

Makoto skipped up the steps and locked his bedroom door as he looked through his closet and drawers for something to wear.

"Well...he did say the nicest clothes I own...and these are pretty nice." Makoto thought.

He looked in the mirror at his reflection. It was weird looking so fancy but it was kind of refreshing, he felt good.

He walked out into the hall and knocked on Haru's door. "Come in." Haru said.

(See image)
Makoto walked into his room and was met with Haru who was dressed in a tight fitting black button up tucked into black pants. Their promise necklace was around his neck, being visible through the first few buttons that were undone. He wore a nice silver watch and he looked absolutely stunning.

Makoto looked Haru up and down, not even being discreet about it either. His mouth was gaping and Haru let an amused smile play onto his face.

"You're staring." Haru said teasingly.

"You're hot." Makoto bluntly stated and he covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh my god, I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

Haru smirked and pulled Makoto in closer to him by the tie he was wearing. He let his lips just barely brush against Makoto's before pulling away.

"You're such a tease. Meanie." Makoto whined as Haru just laughed.

"Yeah, but you love it though." Haru spoke causing a blush to dust over Makoto's cheeks.

"Sh-Shut up!"
"Where are we gooooing?" Makoto asked as he was dragged through town.

"You're so impatient." Haru chuckled lightly as he held onto Makoto's hand.

They stopped at a fairly small diner and Makoto cocked his head. "You made me dress up all fancy, so you could take me to a diner?"

Haru smiled and nodded.

Makoto laughed as they walked through the door, a little ding of a bell going off from the door. It was quite a classic diner, red leather booth benches and a jukebox in the corner.

A waitress came over, wearing a small apron around her waist. "Hi, have you looked over the menu and found something to order?" She asked.

Makoto panicked a little inside because he hadn't even picked up the menu, but apparently Haru had everything under control.

"Uh, yes. We would like two samples of every dessert dish you have." He spoke without batting an eye.

The waitress, however, blinked a few times before she smiled and wrote it down in her notebook. "W-will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you." Haru said as he handed over their menus.

"What was that?" Makoto whisper yelled to Haru who seemed to be very amused.

"Just relax, I have enough money to pay them."
🎵 (play song now if you'd like)

By the time the boys walked out of the diner it was dark. Lampposts on each side of the street illuminated the sidewalk in an orange glow.

"I'm so full oh my gosh!" Makoto laughed as he held his stomach.

"Me too." Haru smiled. "But it was so worth it."


They walked in silence, enjoying each other's company as they made their way to a park. There was a white gazebo in the back by the pond where they had their first date.

Makoto recognized it immediately and he smiled at the memories.

"Why'd you bring me back here?" He asked quietly, as he gazed up at the stars in awe. He received no reply as he continued to look up, trying to find as many constellations as he could. Still no reply.

He furrowed his brows and looked down, trying to see why Haru wasn't answering him. There, with one knee on the ground, was Haru with eyes that were sparkling far more than the stars in the sky above.

Makoto's bottom lip trembled as Haru began to speak. "Makoto Tachibana, we've been best friends since kindergarten, and then one night after some bad things had happened, you kissed me. Ever since that night my life had been filled with this feeling I never had before. It was undeniable love. I left for the past week because I had to calm myself down enough to do this. I was-I was so scared you'd say no...and if-and if you do say no...I will accept that but I will n-never stop loving you." Haru sobbed out the last sentence as he pulled out his necklace from under his shirt. "Will you marry me?"

Makoto couldn't help the tears that tumbled from his eyes and shimmered on his cheeks. "Yes! Are you kidding? Yes!" He collapsed down onto his knees next to Haru, pulling him into a kiss. Their lips met only for a moment but it held a thousand words.

Haru pulled away, and slipped off his necklace. "I think, until we get married, this belongs to you." He took the ring off of the chain and held onto Makoto's shaky hand. The ring was slipped onto his finger and Haru was euphoric.

"I love you so much." Makoto spoke as he was trembling with emotion.

"Race you back home?" Haru said as he helped Makoto up off the ground of the gazebo.
Makoto was carried up the stairs gently and quietly, considering Ren and Ran were asleep.

Their lips stayed connected until Makoto was placed onto the bed.

"Let me love you." Haru said softly as he kissed Makoto's neck.

Hey, so that happened. Should next chapter be smut or should I leave that for a bonus chapter at the end? Anyway, sadly this story will be ending soon as hard as it will be to say goodbye to this book, it's gone on for 86 chapters. This is not the last chapter, I will do around 3-5 more and include extra scenes and chapters at the end before I go back and edit this story and republish.

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