One year part 2

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Prepare for a longer chapter. And if you're like "where are Ren and Ran? I didn't put them in this chapter because it was strictly MakoHaru based, but they left a note saying they were going to be out for the night and all that so don't worry lol. I feel like music enhances everything, so feel free to listen to the song that I put here. Play the song when you see: 🎵. Enjoy.

Makoto wasted no time before he was pressed up against Haru. It hadn't been long since he was gone but to Makoto it could've been two years. Their lips met, not in a crash but in languid way. Their lips pulled apart but their bodies stayed pressed together.

"You're not gonna go to graduation wearing that are you?" Haru joked as he gently tugged on Makoto's towel but not enough for it to fall.

"Shut up." Makoto grumbled in a fake manner before chuckling quietly. "I do expect some sort of explanation for you leaving."

Haru sighed and nodded his head, knowing that this was coming. "After graduation. I promise."

Makoto accepted and shoved Haru out of the bathroom so he could finish getting ready.

Haru walked around the room and sadly looked at the made bed. Whenever Makoto would try to make the bed Haru would never let him because most of the time he was still in it. Haru has missed Makoto just as much as Makoto missed him and he felt guilty knowing that he left him. But he had a reason.

He sat down on the bed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. The past week and a half he shut his phone down. He swiped through all of the text messages Makoto has sent him, saying goodnight and good morning as well as one other one that had him read a little longer.

Hey Haru. I'm not sure if you're getting these or if you even have your phone with you but I figured that I would try anyway. I've been sitting here thinking about what to say and all I have in my head is blank. Well..that's a lie. Saying that I'm scared is an understatement. You left and I have no idea why. And all I can think of is that I somehow did something to make you not love me anymore. Is that true? Do you not love me anymore? With you gone, there is nothing to distract myself from these thoughts. I'm getting a lot of urges but I look down at my tattoo and I try to remind myself that I have been clean for such a long time now. I miss you. Please come back. Even if you don't love me anymore...I just want to be able to see you again.

Makoto walked out of the bathroom now fully dressed and hair dried only to find Haru with glossy eyes. "Hey? What's wrong?"

Haru looked up and wiped his eyes. "I just-I just read your messages."

Makoto sighed and kneeled down in front of him. "I'm sorry. That's just how I was thinking."

Haru leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Makoto. "Mako, I could never stop loving you." He kissed the top of his head. "Even if I left for years, I could never stop loving you."

Makoto closed his eyes as Haru ran his fingers through his hair gently. "I love you, Haru."

"I know. Now let's go graduate."
"We're free!!!!" Haru shouted as they walked away from the school gates for the last time. It was weird to think that they would never be there again the way they were before. There would be no more gym class (thank god), no more math class (thank god), no more loud and crazy kids running around (thank god)....wait...aren't you supposed to be sad and sentimental on your graduation day? Well, one thing is for sure, Makoto and Haru were not.

They raced each other back home, both of them gripping their cases with their diplomas in it. There was no wind that day but with how fast the boys were running, you could've sworn there was. The air whipped their hair back and they tried to keep their eyes open with only led to them stinging with tears. They slowed down to a stop at the house, their hands on their knees.

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