Chapter 17(Bug Zappers and Rhyming Schemes)

Start from the beginning


Tony was facing off against some Apollo kids. He was in his suit but it wasn't doing him much good since he couldn't use the repulses because that would hurt the demigods. They however could use their arrows against him. Some of them had to be enchanted he thought as one struck his suit and it immediately stopped working.

" Curse you lousy child

you dare hurt my precious

I'll have you exiled

What is wrong with me?

Why am I speaking

Rhyming like a stupid tree

Wait, that is not right

This is both Haiku and rhyme

Make it stop before I bite!"

(sorry for the horrible poetry)

The dumb campers just laughed at him. Tony crossed his arms and refused to talk.

"Don't worry" a boy said, "it should wear off by tonight." Then they ran off. However Tony was not alone and the sudden appearance of a figure with black hair startled him. He seemed to have come out of the shadows.

The kid smirked at him and Tony frowned at him but still didn't want to open his mouth. "Don't be like that. It's funny to see other people suffer from the Apollo cabin's horrible rhyming curse." Before Tony could say anything and then remember that he shouldn't try to talk the kid disappeared as quickly as he had come.


Bruce had quickly Hulkified near the beginning of the game and was having fun swatting campers aside not really hurting them too much. Unfortunately he kept swatting his own teammates aside as well. The Apollo cabin and the Athena cabin quickly made a temporary truce and together were able to get some tranquilizer darts powerful enough to put the Hulk to sleep.


Thor was having fun though he couldn't do much without injuring the puny half-mortals. No one knew who's side he was on since he wasn't technically in a cabin and he seemed to just be targeting all the campers. Since it would benefit both sides to have him stopped Athena partnered temporarily with Hephaestus to design and build a device to hold Thor, at least until the end of the game. Thor to happy at a chance to fight more demigods wandered almost cheerfully into the trap they had set. As soon as he set foot into the clearing a cage burst up around him and every time he got close the cage would electrify him.  Leo had named it The Valdezinator Bug Zapper 5.0. No need to mention the first four that had blown up, needless to say Athena would not be partnering with them any time soon.


Natasha was also having fun. She was enjoying this game. It had a good mix of strategy and force. When it came to hand to hand combat most of the campers didn't take to long to defeat. But the one's that were good with weapons took a bit longer. She was enjoying herself having people to fight that were similar in skill level to her. Of course neither of them were aiming to kill and she wondered what would happen in battle between the two groups if killing the enemy was the goal. The campers were growing smarter and began to team up to attack her. She was smart if she didn't do something quickly they would eventually tire her out. She just had to hope she was able to keep them distracted long enough for the rest of her team to get the flag. She smirked, most of the campers would probably be going for the Avengers wanting to have a chance to fight them. she wondered how many actually remembered the flag.


What Nat was thinking was true. Most of the campers were trying to defeat the Avengers (because who doesn't want to be able to say that they defeated an Avenger) that the flags were almost forgotten. And though the Avengers were enjoying themselves they couldn't help thinking about how all these fighters were just kids. Sure they weren't incompetent, I mean they were fighting the Avengers and doing fine! But still, none of them liked the idea of child soldiers.

Eventually the red team won by sending the Avengers on their team into the opposing side to draw the blue team to them and away from their own flag allowing the red team to send in a smaller group to find and capture the flag.

As they met back up the winning Avengers couldn't help holding it over the losing Avengers.  (Clint, Tony, Peter won----Nat, Steve, Bruce lost-----and who knows about Thor)

"What's it feel like to lose, Nat?" Clint said smirking.

"I don't know. What's it feel like to get impaled?" she responded casually while twirling a dagger in her hand. Clint paled. Steve just sighed having given up telling Nat to stop threatening teammates. Bruce was just wondering where she got the dagger from.

"I'm just glad we're leaving soon. These Athena campers are the worst." Peter said pouting.

"Awwww, is the Spider-kid upset?" Clint asked smiling at him.

Peter narrowed his eyes, "You know what would make me feel better?" Peter smiled creepily, "Webbing up my next kill." Clint paled and Peter high-fived Natasha. Clint looked between them gaping.

"Betrayal! I'm being ganged up on!" he said pointing at the two. "Tony, tell your son to back down!" Clint said turning to Tony. Tony said nothing though it very obvious that he wanted to refute that statement about Peter being his son, but at the same time feeling happy that Peter had been called his son.

"uh...Tony?" Clint said.

"What's wrong, Tony?" Steve asked. Tony still said nothing, shaking his head slightly.

Clint smirked. "What, did the spider get your tongue? Or are you just upset that your suit was disabled so quickly?'

"Be silent bird-brain

Or I will let Nat injure you

You horrible stain!"

Tony clapped a hand over his mouth as the team stared gaping. Then they all started laughing as Tony glared.

Thor choose that moment to join them. "What is causing this laughter my dear friends?"

"" Clint tried to say while laughing.

"He is speaking in Haiku as well as rhyming," said Bruce having calmed down more than Clint. Thor grinned.

Yes, the Avengers were having a lot of fun even Tony, though he wouldn't ever admit it.

Yes, the Avengers were having a lot of fun even Tony, though he wouldn't ever admit it

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Sorry this was so late

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If you want to see anything specific happen this is your last chance to mention it because I am only making one or two more chapters unless I get good ideas from you all.

Thank you for sticking with this story

Sayonara Peoples!

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