The Consequences Of Alcohol-Filled Bathtubs...

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Takasu handed me a six-pack of beer.
"Let's turn this inta a real party!" he cheered.
"But there are under aged people here!" I insisted, trying to shove him back through the window.

Everyone else was of age. And so I ended up sitting to one side while the residents of my bathtub got hopelessly smashed.

First up: a wine bath. Wakasa fashioned a moustache out of his hair, and began to speak like a Frenchman. Maki was swaying on the side of an empty wine bottle. Mikuni's cheeks were already stained red and he was hiccupping like mad.

Second up: beer bath. ...Where had they gotten the beer keg? And the Steins?
"Cheers!" Wakasa, Takasu and Mikuni cheered as they clinked their steins together, and then downed the lot. One stein had been overturned, and sat in the wasted beer for Maki, whom looked increasingly red.

Third up: a whiskey bath. Okay, I hadn't seen this coming. Takasu had suddenly jumped out of the bathtub and grabbed a bag of ice, turning my bathtub into a massive version of whiskey on ice. By now, I was feeling queasy. The smell was terrible. Mikuni was no longer see-through, instead being bright red. Wakasa and Takasu were also turning bright red, and Maki was slurping away at the whiskey from a large piece of ice floating in the bathtub.

And finally: a sake bath.
"You can... drink... liquor... but you can't let it... drink you!" Wakasa was drunk, and swaying from side to side with Takasu as he sang whatever came to mind in a groggy and high-pitched tune.

I groaned. The smell was over-powering. The last thing that I saw before I collapsed to the floor was Mikuni suddenly turning towards me with a weird expression on his face.

When I came to, the smell was gone. So was the alcohol stains on the wall. I was in Takasu's lap. I quickly scrambled to my feet. Obviously.
"Look, Tatsumi. We're so sorry that the alcohol had that effect on you. We've cleaned up the bathroom and aired out the place. The smell should be all gone." I nodded my thanks, my head somewhere else.

While I was out, I had the craziest vision. I had seen all of them in my bathtub, which then turned into a hotpot, filled with them and vegetables.

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