The Consequences Of My Finances...

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Wakasa is a merman. That I must make clear. He also can't leave my bathtub, or else he will die. And yet, somehow, he has found a way to run up a massive water bill already!

I stormed into the bathroom with the bill in hand. Wakasa was gently splashing water with his tail when I entered, and looked up at me with excitement.

"Can I buy a TV?" I stared at him for what seemed to be hours before finally snapping out of it and thrusting the bill in his face.
"Why Would I Buy You A TV When You Already Cost ¥20 000! Look At This Bill! You Can't Keep Adding Hot Water to the Bath Whenever!" Wakasa looked downcast, so I softened.
"Look, why don't we think of ways to save money?" I suggested, and Wakasa perked up.

We began trying the next day. First, we tried adding a heat-containing blanket over the bathtub. It kept in some of the heat, but it got soggy and...
"Where's Duck-San!" Wakasa cried and began splashing around, sending water flying everywhere.

Then, we tried adding plastic water bottles filled with ice to the bath to try and raise the water level. But it instead made the water to cold, and Wakasa was uncomfortable with the bottles.

Finally, Wakasa opened one of his magazines.

"Why don't we just add an electric system!" he chirped, pointing at an advert. It was for an electric water-heater, which supposedly would save me thousands in gas bills and water bills.
"Yes, that would work..." I said, and Wakasa smiled "...if it were not for the fact it costs ¥1 Million!"

Eventually, we came to a slightly good solution.

I sighed and blushed a deep red. Wakasa was having plenty of fun meanwhile. The two of us had to share the bath. Again.

A little later, after I had gotten out of the bathtub, Wakasa asked me about the TV again. It was only ¥20 000, and I had promised to keep him entertained.
"Please?" he whined. I gave in.

When the TV arrived, Wakasa could be heard laughing from the street. I sighed, defeated.

A Merman In My BathtubWhere stories live. Discover now