The next day we went from the north to the west in an unusual manner - with a balloon. In addition to the group there was another expert man to make everything safe during the flight. The problem was that many are afraid of heights or have dizziness at large height. I'm in the second group, I don't understand whether it's because I have low blood pressure or something.

 We flew, I have to admit that it was not easy. I just curled on the bottom of the basket because I couldn't stand the shudder of my feet (it's ironic, I know, that a person who is able to jump out of this balloon can't even stand in it...). Almond: "Come on, come and see how nice the look is from here!" I: "Okay, but I feel dizzy from this air." While he stood next to me, and the wind passed through my hair, it was as if I were in that scene from the Titanic .... It's true that Rose could have been dead if Jack hadn't come to save her, so then there wouldn't be that scene, but these are the details I usually notice. I: "Doesn't this look like a Titanic scene, except that down is green, not water?" Almond: "Yes, (laughs) I didn't notice.We miss the song from the movie to be a real experience. "

 I started singing, at one point our eyes met, but I quickly shifted my head to the side. Did he understood? Would it change something? Why am I doing all this if I tried to remove it from my head? Some corpses are better not unearthing, no matter how much gold is on them, except that it would mean nothing to me. This relationship should be over in my head and to postpone it to eternal rest with all this gold and jewels, not to dig it out just to see the splendor of what is not mine and that can't be returned to the same form I wanted. My ideal has been demolished for a long time.

 When I finished the song, which also calmed me down, I looked in front of me. Almond: "You remember when we were on the shore once? You were embarrassed to remove your clothes. You're still wearing long sleeves all the time." Me:" It was the first and last time to go to the shore, I prefer mountains, hills and hidden parts of nature. You've been accustomed to it since you were kids so you didn't have a problem with it. " Almond: "When we were kids you came more often, after it we rarely saw each other." Lime: "You were home friends?" Almond: "Yes, we've known each other since kindergarten." Me: "One of the rare friendships in my life, we spent a lot of time together before they forced me to hang out with those who didn't suit me." Lime: "I didn't know you've been known each other for so long." Almond: "We were playing, watched cartoons ..." Me: "Digimons. (laughter) "Almond:" Yes, we watched Digimons, played hide and seek ... "

 As we talked about childhood, it was hard for me to imagine that a married man was before me, but also difficult to imagine myself with him. What started as, what would be said on English, "crush" , it should have stayed that way. This whole thing was created for the same reason as all the confusion in me- I always thought that the way it is, it remains like this forever. If I love someone I will love him forever, if someone hurts me he will always hurt me, if something is mine it's mine to keep it and it's always in my possession. It's not as if someone was trying to clarify the child's beliefs, they had more important work, fortunately I became aware that things change- the fact that depression shows only the static side of reality doesn't mean that only that side exists; it took me a long time to understand it, but it was worth it. This whole gathering showed me that people really change, including me. If nothing else at least I'll give myself a reason, that important reason why this relationship wouldn't work. It will be enough.

 While from the other balloons occasionally were heard screaming because of height, from our was heard a conversation. I even took the opportunity to sing "Walking in the air", it was somehow an inspirational moment.

 This game didn't make sense to me at all - why do we all arrive at the same time, where is the effort? I don't guarantee that I would win this way, but I feel like I'm at the excursion, except that I have grown up (I mean, by age, by height I'm only a several centimeters taller), and I can choose what I eat. Who wanted this kind of competition? Wait a minute ... No, it's too early to figure this out and to clear this doubt. Here we go, like, that didn't come to my mind I'm quiet.

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