The new challenge required us to go north and the vehicle was a train. Although it sounded easy we had half an hour to get on a train that leads to a certain city-if somebody misses 15 minutes there is a train to a place 50 km further, and who is late for half an hour can get to a distant capital city, which would be almost twice as further. The first train was at nine, so we had to elaborate the tactics by half  to nine. Lime: "To take a taxi from here?" Me:" What if there is a traffic jam? We need to find a faster solution. " Almond: "To run there?" Lime: "We couldn't hold on for a long time." Me: "The station is five kilometers from here, in normal traffic we would arrive in ten minutes. It's the same with a motorcycle, while the bicycle is about twenty to thirty, and for walking almost an hour. You want on risk so we try with taxi? " Lime: "Yes, and from school we would be back with a taxi when we were hurrying, but we would wait for it for a long time, you would arrive halfway when we go." Almond: "What are we going to do with food? We won't arrive to buy it." I: "I bought a biscuits and a bit more, if we have to we'll buy more on the station. We have to catch the first train however we know." Lime: "Remember the name of the motel, I have an idea - we'll walk, then call a taxi to pick us up in the meantime, just to explain to him which street we are going on... (reads the map of the city) Yeah, here is the name of the street, we are here. We are going here, aren't we? Almond (looking at the map): "Yes, it's a long street. We could run until we find a taxi, we'll save time." Me: "Okay, maybe we'll find a taxi in the meantime if the one we called doesn't arrive quickly enough."

 Time starts ... now! Our group runs as fast as it can, hurrying to find a cab, in the meantime calling the taxi service, just in case. There were other solutions, such as waiting for taxi, hitch-hiking, walking, cycling. It was a great idea we went before we called because the group that waited at the beginning barely arrived for the first train. Before we reached the station there was a traffic jams and, because of time savings, we ran again and arrived for the first train on time.

 Almond : "This was the first time I saw Blueberry running. (Laughs) " I: "Hey! (laugh) Shut up, I'm dead." Lime: "The fourth group has arrived, the fifth group and us. We are not bad. High five! (We throw the" high fives "to each other) Now we can relax." Almond: "I'm really sorry that the Grape is in a weak group ... Although Raspberry is not weak, but I don't know about Orange ... It will be good if they arrive for the next." Me: "The train starts, do you see anybody else ? " Lime: "No. Hey, here is a third group too, they made it." I smiled at Apple as a sign of the congratulations that her group succeeded.

 The train leaves the station, four of the seven groups are boarded for a direct destination. Melon, Pineapple and Mango arrived after ten minutes, angry that they had missed the first train. Mango :"There you go with your streetcar, we are late!" Pineapple: "It doesn't have to mean we will not get there, we'll just have a little bit of problem later." Melon: "Let me see if a train is going there ... (searching on the internet) Yes, it's there tonight about half past nine." Mango: "Search for a bus." Melon: "There are buses at the time that suits us and the stations are close. We have luck in an accident." Pineapple: "Don't tell this to the next group, we must arrive before them." The group six came two minutes after them, making a plan to continue the train journey. The first group was lagging behind making Raspberry  somewhat nervous, but neither Grape could stay calm. The minutes shared them until boarding.

 In the end, groups 2 and 6 entered the train, while the group 1 took the ticket almost before train left the station and boarded on the second train.

 During that time, we dismantled the table that was in the extension of the seat and made small sandwiches with biscuits, toast-cheese and salami (for them) and carrot (for me). Lime: "How did you manage to think of this? (takes one) When you bought this? " I:" Early this morning, I didn't want to go for breakfast. I was looking around to find something that could be put into the backpack without being scattered, yet to contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats. I wish I could bring a lot of vegetables, but only the carrot was safe for me because of the low percentage of water. " Almond: "This will satisfy us more than chips." I: "I have some integral snacks, we will be full by tonight."

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