Everyone where present already. Even Twinkle's family had come. Other than the most important person in my life everyone where here. Twinkle! Your sister-in-law is getting married. And your not to see it. I miss you so much baby. This church is bringing back the memories of my marriage. How I got married to Twinkle, how I got the love of my life. How I treated her. God I didn't even kiss her on the wedding.

I feel ashamed thinking about all that. The way I treated her. The way I pushed her while dancing. I wish I could turn back everything. If only we had met at a different circumstances. I would have treasured her. If only I didn't believe Jade. It's no use Andrew. What's done is done. You can't change it. The only way I can correct is by getting the love of my life with me back.

I saw Sherly dressed in her bridal gown. She looked so beautiful. Mom looked so happy to see her daughter getting married. As soon as Sherly saw me entering her room, she stood up to hug me.

"How is my beautiful sister doing? " I asked her. She blushed.

"Brother, she is very happy. She is getting married. Her Prince is waiting for her at the altar. He is coming to take her. I'm so happy. " she exclaimed. My thoughts immediately drifted to Twinkle. What did Twinkle feel on the day of our wedding. Did she have so many hopes on me? How I wish I had fulfilled her dreams, her wishes.

I found someone shaking me. Sherly was trying to gain my concentration back. I didn't know I was lost in my thoughts.

"Brother, I know what you're thinking about. I know you miss Twinkle so much. I miss her too. I wish she was with us to see my marriage. I know how much it's hurting you." she said.

I hugged her immediately. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I started to cry. I didn't care about the audience in the room who was watching my breakdown. After sometime I released Sherly.

"Shit! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here. I ruined your day by bringing my sorrows with me. Please forget what happened. I'm sorry! " I left immediately. I couldn't stay there anymore. This church is killing me. It is showing me all the mistakes I had done. Someone placed there hand on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Eros.

"Andrew, don't think about Twinkle today. It's a very important day for your sister. You can't ruin it for her. I know how much it hurts you, but you have to be strong for Sherly." he said.

"I know Eros. But Twinkle's memories are driving me crazy. I can't help it. I want her back. I want her beside me. We both standing together and giving our love and blessings to my sister. " he hugged me.

"Andrew, I'm sorry but you have done the worst mistake by letting her go." it was Tina who said this.

"I know Tina. I shouldn't have believed Jade. Eyes can also be deceiving. I shouldn't have believed what I heard and seen. Without knowing the truth, I shouldn't have jumped into conclusions." they both just nodded.

"OK come let's go inside. It's time for the wedding. Andrew pull yourself. You have to stay strong for Sherly now." Eros said.

We three entered the church. Sherly was walking down the aisle. I remembered Twinkle holding her dad's hand so tightly while walking down the aisle. My dad placed Sherly's hand in Ethan's hand. He said something to Ethan. Ethan just smiled at it. He took her hand and helped her. He was looking at her so lovingly. Sherly was blushing. Priest was telling the prayers. Everyone looked so happy.

It was time for the vows. Both said their vows and their marriage was sealed with the kiss. Ethan kissed Sherly so lovingly. They both looked so happy together. Sherly had tears of happiness in her eyes. Even my Twinkle would have been so happy if I had treated her how she had to be treated. The happiness in my sisters was not there in Twinkle's face. And I was the reason for it. It was time for the reception now.

Everyone where enjoying. It was time for couple dance. Ethan held my sister with so much of love. It was a sight to be watched. They were dancing so perfectly. He was taking care of her while dancing. He was telling loving words to Sherly.

Where as me, I made Twinkle fall. I didn't dance with her. The day she had to be happy, I ruined it. She had to dance with Michael since I ditched her. I felt something wet on my shoe. I looked up to see a girl had dropped drinks on my leg by mistake.

The manager came running. He started apologizing.
"Sir I'm really sorry for what happened. I will get it cleaned up sir." he started shouting at the girl.

"Get up and bring a tissue and clean this mess." he screamed at her. She flinched but took a tissue and wiped my shoes. I didn't want her to do that so I stopped her.

"No you don't have to do that." I stopped her.

"No sir, she have do it. She have to correct her mistake." I noticed she was crying now. I couldn't see her face. Her hairs were covering her face. She looked so fragile and weak.

Once she cleaned, she stood up and left.

"Once again I'm sorry sir." I was angry on the manager now. No one deserves to be treated like this.

"you have no right to treat someone like that. She maybe work under you, but you can't do that. Next time if I find you doing something like this, I have no other choice but to fire you. Now get out of my sight." he ran back.

Sherly came and stood next to me.
"Brother is there any problem?" she asked.

"Nothing, go ahead. Enjoy your party dear. Don't worry about anything." she smiled and left to Ethan.

In search of love ✔️ (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora