Meeting Will

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It had been days since Lucas had seen Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie and Cassie. They had to flee with Hopper after almost being found in Dustin's basement. Mike, Dustin and Lucas hadn't talked to them since and Lucas had begun to grow worried for them.

Something lightly prodded his shoulder and he opened his eyes, escaping the dark haze. He woke up in a chair outside Will's hospital room. After they had found Will, he was sent immediately to the hospital and this was the first time Mike, Dustin and Lucas were able to see him. All they had to do was wait for the doctor now to say it's okay.

Lucas looked up through the piercing light to see Bill standing in front of him. Stan, Richie, Eddie and Cassie were all behind him as they smiled nervously at Lucas.

"Hey, where have you guys been?" Lucas croaked.

"We just came to s-s-say goodbye before we leave. The p-p-portal has reopened and we can go back to D-D-Derry," Bill explained.

Lucas instantly felt a mixture of gratitude, happiness and melancholy growing inside of him. Sure, he wanted his newly made friends to be home safe and sound, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going to miss them like hell. That's when a thought struck.

"Before you leave, come and say hi to Will," He suggested.

Bill smiled shyly, looking away, "I-I d-don't think he would want to s-see us though. He m-might just want to s-spend time with his friends and f-f-family."

Lucas shook his head, "Just stay a little longer and say hi. You did help us find him after all."

Bill looked over at the end of the hallway, "I-I-Is that o-o-okay?"

Hopper walked over and shrugged, "I don't see why not. But you guys have to be quick since I want to take you guys back to Derry safely. Your parents are probably already worried about your disappearances enough as it is and we don't want to prolong that."

The doctor that had helped Cassie the week before appeared from Will's hospital room. He nodded at them and quietly said, "You can see Will now."

Lucas quickly shook Mike and Dustin awake, who had been asleep beside him. Once they were awake, he told them the news and they all rushed into Will's room. Will looked up at them smiling and for the first time in almost a week, Lucas smiled back.

Relief and happiness flooded throughout his chest and he felt as if he was going to cry. He swarmed Will with a hug along with Mike and Dustin. Will was finally home, where he belonged.

"We're so glad you're back," Mike said.

"Yeah, you should have seen the shit that went down," Lucas smiled.

The three boys began to implode a story onto their friend but Will's eyes darted to something behind them, "Who are they?"

Lucas turned around to see Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stan and Cassie walking in.

"I didn't know you had a twin, Mike," Will looked up at his friends.

Mike shook his head, laughing "You know me, I don't have a twin. That's my doppelganger." He turned around and pointed to the others, "And that's Eddie, Bill, Stan and Cassie. They helped us find you."

"N-N-Nice to meet you," Bill smiled in a friendly manner.

Will smiled back, "Thanks for helping."

Richie took this as an opportunity to flash his terrible English accent, "No problem skipper, it was a pleasure."

Eddie nudged his friend, "Can you not use that shitty English accent for one fucking second?"

"No can do Eds," Richie continued in his accent. He pulled Eddie into a headlock and gave him a noogie.

"Stop calling me fucking Eds," The smaller boy snapped, his voice muffled.

Hopper appeared at the doorway, "Time to go guys and I need to be back there ASAP. There's been a call."

Mike turned to face them, "Are you guys going back to Derry?"

Bill nodded, "The p-p-portal's been reopened."

Mike unexpectedly walked up and gave Bill a hug, "Take care of yourselves."

Dustin walked up and hugged Stan, "Yeah. You guys are always welcome here if you need to come back."

Lucas cheekily walked up to Eddie and gave him a hug after Richie let him go, "Stay safe Eds."

Eddie sighed, "Great! Now you too?"

The group chuckled and exchanged final hugs and goodbyes. Lucas could feel his eyes beginning to tear up, but he held them back. After they had all finished, Bill, Stan, Cassie, Eddie and Richie all gave Will a hug goodbye before walking out of the room solemnly. Lucas hoped that they would come back soon.

And with that, the Losers Club was gone.

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