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The bright lights in the police department made the young girl feel hazy. Combined with the loss of blood earlier that day, this had only made things worse.

"You listening to me?" The Chief growled at her, snapping Cassie out of her thoughts.

"Pardon?" She managed to ask weakly.

"Jesus, I've only asked you one question and you can't even manage that." He sighed.

"What was the question again?"

"I asked what your goddamn name was missy." The Chief snapped.

Her mouth was dry as she answered, "Cassie Denbrough."

"Never heard of a Denbrough in Hawkins before. Do you have any other family?"

"There was another boy that you brought in. Tall, green eyes and quite skinny, do you know who I mean?" She asked the Chief.

"Think so, why? He's your brother?"

"Twin brother actually, he's older by a few minutes though."

She could feel her vision beginning to fade in and out, there were bouts of darkness before she was once again awoken by the lights and the Chief distantly yelling at her.

"Cassie, Cassie!" The Chief's voice dragged her out of the darkness.


"I said, what happened to your leg?" He asked with a hint of genuine concern in his voice.

"Something got me, I don't know what," She mumbled weakly. "How come you didn't notice before?"

"Because I didn't see it when we first encountered you kids, too damn dark to see anything but five small figures," The Chief answered.

She didn't hear his answer though, she felt her limbs slowly growing weaker until she couldn't feel them. It was then that she was completely engulfed in the darkness.

More Than The Upside Down - An IT (2017) & Stranger Things CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now