Only Teardrops

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Eddie noticed that the sky was beginning to grow darker as they ran towards the sirens. Has it been that long already? He thought. He felt his chest began to seize up and he was beginning to wheeze. He stopped and desperately tried to find his inhaler in his fanny pack. A sudden thought rushed through his head which caused him to wheeze even more.

What happens when I run out of my medication? I'm stuck in a town that doesn't even exist and I need my medication! The young boy thought.

He was breathing rapidly now, fighting for his breath. Eddie shoved the inhaler into his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Bill's voice rang out, calling his name.

Eddie looked up at his friend, his breathing finally at a normal pace, "I'm okay now."

"May-Maybe you sh-should walk in-instead," Bill suggested.

"You alright Eds?" Richie called out.

"I am!" Eddie yelled back before turning back to Bill. "I should, but we don't have far left anyway. The sirens seem closer."

"Y-Y-You su-su-sure?" Bill frowned.

Eddie nodded and the two boys sped off in order to catch up with the group.


They were lead to a river deep in the forest where firetrucks and police cars blazed sirens and lights. The group hid behind a firetruck in the distance, peeking around the corner to see what was going on. Two firemen were fishing a body out of the water and Eddie couldn't bear the sight of it.

The body was a boy that appeared to be Eddie's age. His body was extremely pale and his limbs hung off his sides. His skinny body was carried out of the water as if it required no effort at all.

"Will?" Mike's voice cracked.

He began to walk off and Eddie could see tears welling in his eyes.

"Mike," Eleven muttered, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You lied!" Mike turned around to face her, crying, "You said that you would help us find him!"

The tears were spilling out like a river now, and left their imprints on Mike's face, before dripping to the rocks below them. "I don't want to see you right now," He managed to say before running off.

"Mike!" Dustin called after him.

His friend ignored him, running out of their sight instead.

Dustin turned to Lucas, "What do we do now?"

"Nothing, he needs the space right now, Dustin," Lucas said simply, "I should probably go as well."

He walked off and Eddie could see the lights glisten off his own tears.

Dustin turned to the boys and Cassie. "Do you guys need somewhere to stay?"

Bill nodded, "Yeah, probably."

Dustin returned the gesture, "Come with me then."

They walked off, away from the sirens and the gruesome sight that they had just witnessed. Dread and hopelessness boiled in Eddie's stomach. He felt trapped and lost. At least I have my friends with me. He thought. It didn't help though, instead, it made it worse, spreading these emotions. With the dread weighing his feet down like concrete and the hopeless blossoming into tears.

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