Finding Eleven - Part 2

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Mike watched his doppelganger crash into the gravel on the floor as Troy and James smirked menacingly at them. Troy seized Dustin into his arms and began to hold a knife to his mouth. The rest of the group charged at Troy, attempting to free Dustin but were held back by other boys that Mike didn't recognise.

The boy that had grabbed Eddie unwillingly lost his grasp as the smaller boy continued to scream. The other boy ran up and smacked Eddie on the side of the head, causing him to fall unconscious beside Richie. Mike stared in disbelief at the violence and ferocity that had just happened to his friends.

He growled at Troy, "Let them go."

Troy signalled to the cliff that was beside them, "Jump. Or Toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist."

"No!" Dustin cried out, his voice cracking.

Troy forced the knife closer to Dustin's mouth, causing Mike and his friend's eyes to widen in shock and incredulity. How insane must he be to think like this? Mike thought. His heart began to throb with pain and fear for his friends.

"I'll cut him, right now!" Troy continued to threaten.

Dustin let out a small whimper.

"Alright, just hold on!" Mike ordered, walking closer to the edge of the cliff. "Hold on!"

The others began to scream and protest at Mike to not jump, but the one that stuck out the most was Dustin's.

"Mike! Don't do it, I don't need my baby teeth," His friend pleaded. "Mike!"

Mike walked closer to the edge, ignoring his friends' cries, despite how much it broke his heart. If this is the only way I can save them, then I'll do it. He was almost on the edge now, his heart pounding so hard it was close to completely stopping from exhaustion. He could hear his own breath, loud and raspy as he looked down to see nothing but rocks and deep water awaiting him.

"Don't do it! Seriously, don't do it, man!" Mike heard Dustin weep through the sound of his pulse in his ears. "Seriously, don't."

Mike heard James whisper something to Troy, but he couldn't make out the words. Troy began to count down for Mike to jump, as Dustin and the others screamed his name. On one, Mike jumped.

He let out a small cry and the sensation of falling overwhelmed him. Mike felt like a heavy boulder, being dragged by gravity into the water, as he knew he wouldn't survive this. But that sensation stopped as he looked down and realised he wasn't falling anymore. He realised that he was hovering in mid-air, and that strangely scared him more than falling.

Mike began to wriggle around in the air like a bug caught in a spider's web with nothing successful happening. The feeling of being pulled spread throughout his body as he realised he was floating up. Higher and higher until he was back on the ground, planted on his bottom painfully.

He looked up to see everybody staring at him in astonishment and disbelief as if he was some sort of alien they had just discovered. Mike looked to the side as his chest filled with giddiness and hope. There, Eleven was storming up to them with a scowl clear on her face.

James flew back unexpectedly onto the floor as Eddie rose up, glaring down at the taller boy. Eleven twitched her head to the side as Mike heard a sickening crack erupt in Troy's arm, which left the older boy screaming as he dropped the knife.

"She broke my arm!" Troy cried out. "My arm!"

Some of the other boys dived for Eleven but were stopped by Richie who had awoken oddly. Richie had both of his arms extended, defending the girl from harm. One of the boys attempted to swing a punch at him, but was stopped in mid-air. Mike turned to see Eddie, his hand stretched out towards them with a glare on his face.

"Don't you fucking dare," Eddie growled, causing alarm to spike in him. From what he had seen of Eddie so far, he never seemed like he was the kind of boy that would threaten somebody.

The boy was released as he stumbled onto the floor. Eleven faced Troy, James and all of their henchmen.

"Go," She said simply.

Without a moment of hesitation, the boys scattered, running as far away from Eleven and Eddie as they could.

"That's right, you better run!" Dustin yelled out. "She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back and she'll kill you, you hear me?"

Mike was filled with relief, happiness and disbelief at what had just happened. It felt like a dream that had turned sour, but you could still weirdly find something sweet in it. That was before Eleven began to crumble to the floor, a look of plain exhaustion and sadness haunting her face.

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