The Meeting

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His heart began to pound with more worry and deep love for his sister by the second. Stan had helped to elevate her limb but she was still bleeding out a lot.

"Something's not right." Stan's voice shook. "She's bleeding out more than the average person should with a wound like that."

"No sh-shi-shit Sh-Sh-Sherlock," Bill said, trying desperately to defuse the tension.

Cassie's eyes were beginning to flutter shut, making Bill panic.

"C-C-Cassie!" He shook his sister lightly. "S-S-Stay w-w-with us."

"I'll try Billy." She managed to mumble.

He hugged his sister gently, holding her like she was paper beginning to crumble. Of all the twelve years he had known her, nothing like this had ever happened. A tear slid uncontrollably down his cheek. He wiped it away, hoping Stan wouldn't see it but it was too late.

Bill sniffed, "I'll be okay."

Before Stan could say anything, Cassie whispered faintly, "Billy, what's wrong?"

"Nuh-nothing Cassie, don't worry about me," He falsely reassured her.

She frowned weakly, "Something's wrong, I can tell."

"Don't worry about me, we need to get you some help."

"Hey, guys!" Richie's voice rang through the forest. "We've got help!"

Bill couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Richie and Eddie rushed back into their sight with three boys and one girl. Except one of them looked exactly like Richie, just without the glasses.

"What happened to her leg?" One of the boys asked, this one had dark skin that was riddled with goosebumps from the cold and short black hair.

"Something attacked her when we were trying to get out," Stan said.

"Get out of what?" The boy with hair that curled down to his cheeks asked.

"Ou-Ou-Out of th-th-there." Bill pointed to the membrane.

"That's where Eleven tried to lead me before." Richie's lookalike mentioned.

"Lo-Lo-Lo-Look my s-s-sister's b-b-b-" Bill began to stutter profusely.

"Bill's sister needs help." Richie finished for him.

Bill flashed his friend a small smile of gratitude.

"I've never seen you guys around here before. Where are you guys from?" The boy with curly hair asked.

"Look, Dustin, we all obviously have a lot of questions but maybe we should help her first and then ask the questions," Richie's lookalike interrupted.

Dustin nodded in response.

"Let's start with putting pressure on the wound," Richie's lookalike instructed.

They began to work on Cassie's wound but she was still as white as paper once they were done. Bill hoped that she would get some colour back in her cheeks or they might have to take her to a hospital.

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