Emotionally and Physically

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About fifteen minutes later, Lucas walked down the stairs into Dustin's basement. He looked around the room and his eyes laid on Eleven. Anger began to boil in his chest and he stormed over to Mike, who was standing next to her.

He growled heavily at his friend, "What is she doing here?"

"She's trying to help Eddie," Mike defended. "In case you missed Dustin's call on the walkie-talkie, Eddie appears to have powers similar to hers"

Lucas crossed his arms. "We can't trust her Mike, she lead us to Will's dead body."

"I don't think Will's dead," Mike protested.

He threw his arms up at this, "Are you insane, Mike? We all saw Will's body!"

Lucas's eyes began to sting as he felt tears begin to bubble and blind his vision. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from his friend. They had seen Will's body, every single one of them. Now, Mike was saying that he wasn't dead because of some strange girl that they had found in the woods. Fury, hurt and sadness jabbed painfully at Lucas's chest, but he fought it.

"I don't think he's dead though," Mike repeated. "Eleven was playing with my walkie-talkie when we both heard Will's voice."

"Oh, so you let her back into your house? Last time I checked, you didn't even want to see her." Lucas snarled.

"That was before I realised that she didn't have anywhere else to stay!"

"Guys!" Dustin interceded, walking up to the two and holding his arms up. "Can we not fight, please?"

Both boys sighed in frustration.

Why is he being so goddamn difficult? Lucas thought.

"Before we proceed, I want you guys to shake," Dustin ordered in a fatherly tone.

"I will only if we forget the freak, she needs to go back where she belongs," Lucas said.

"Shut up Lucas, you piece of shit!" Mike yelled.

"GUYS!" Dustin screamed louder, "THAT'S ENOUGH! Lucas, Eleven is coming with us whether you like it or not. Just shake already!"

Mike and Lucas shook hands, glaring at each other while they were doing so.

Dustin stepped back and sighed. "Sorry for screaming guys, I really am."

"It's okay," The boys said gently in unison.

Dustin looked at Mike, "What's this about Eleven?"

"We heard Will's voice on the walkie-talkie, but I think we need to use the AV at the school to talk to him better," Mike said.

"Alright, we'll head to the school but first things first," Dustin turned to look around at the others. "What are we going to do about them?"

Mike looked off into the distance for a second before turning back to Dustin. "I've got an idea, but we'll have to go to my place in order to do it."

"Okay," Dustin nodded before turning to the others. "You guys in?"

"Y-Y-Yeah, w-w-why not?" Bill answered for the group.

They left Dustin's basement, and even though Mike and Lucas walked next to each other, Lucas could still feel the tension in the air. He didn't want Eleven in the group, but he didn't have the energy to fight with his friend. Seeing Will's body had drained him both emotionally and physically. But even though he saw his friend's dead body, a flicker of hope that he was still alive made Lucas's heart race.

Call it grief or pure insanity, he was unsure which one it was.

More Than The Upside Down - An IT (2017) & Stranger Things CrossoverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora