Statics and Screams

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Eleven was fidgeting with Mike's walkie talkie, trying to find Will when she discovered something else. Static gasped through the object before it settled down.

"R-Richie, where's your flah-flah-flashlight?" A voice called through the static.

Another voice cracked through the speaker,"Are fucking insane Bill? Don't touch that shit!"

"I'll be safe, I pro-" The original voice, presumably Bill, tried to reassure.

A variety of voices began to shriek and scream Bill's name. Her heart thrummed in her chest and she froze. Sweating profusely, Eleven began to panic. Before she could do anything though, the walkie talkie switched itself off.

"El?" A voice called out to her. "El, are you alright?"

She turned to see her friend, Mike, racing down the stairs to the basement before crouching down beside her. His dark eyes were large with worry and a frown covered his forehead. They were safe in his basement, but that didn't stop her heart from still pounding.

"Bill." She whispered.

"Bill? Who's Bill?" Mike questioned. "Don't you mean Will?"

Eleven shook her head. "No. Mean Bill."

"I don't know a Bill though, do you?" Mike asked.

She shook her head. "No."

"I don't get why you'd say that then." Mike frowned. "You sure you are alright?"

Eleven shook her head.

"What is it?" Mike's frown deepened with concern.

She simply replied, "tell later."

Mike stood up. "Alright, I have to go to school now but I promise I'll be back later."

"Mike! It's time for school!" Mike's mother called from upstairs.

"Coming!" Mike called back before turning to Eleven. "Will you tell me then?"

Before Eleven had a chance to reply, his mother yelled "Michael! Time to go now!"

"COMING!" He screamed back.

Mike turned back to Eleven to see her answer in which she simply nodded. They farewelled each other, leaving Eleven to her thoughts.

She was beginning to feel anxious about having to tell Mike about how she was feeling and what was wrong. He had obviously been very kind. But... how far would you go in terms of trusting a stranger? Something beginning to boil within her stomach. It was hot, thick and coated her insides, weighing her down like cement. Something didn't feel right, especially after what she had just heard.

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