In the Morning

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He woke up the next morning in the sleeping bag Dustin had bought him the night before. He looked over to see Richie sleeping beside him in his own sleeping bag. Eddie couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he saw his friend's glasses askew on his face.

He must have been so exhausted last night that he forgot to take off his glasses before he fell asleep. Eddie thought.

He watched his friend's chest rise and fall as Richie snored loudly. Eddie was grateful for the sense of familiarity he felt around Richie in this strange world they had discovered. He felt oddly safe with his friend, yet he still couldn't shake the butterflies that began to grow in his chest.

Richie's eyes fluttered open lazily and his gaze fell upon Eddie. "Morning Eds," He whispered, careful not to wake up the rest of the group.

"Fuck's sake Richie, can you please stop calling me Eds?" Eddie grumbled in reply.

Richie sat up, fixing his glasses and smiled with one that could rival Peter Pan's, "You didn't seem to mind me calling you Eds yesterday."

Eddie blushed and quickly looked to the side, praying that Richie hadn't seen this, "That's because I was recovering from the tremendous pain I experienced yesterday."

Richie continued to grin at him, "Face it, you love it when I call you Eds."

Eddie shot him the finger, blushing even harder, his face practically a tomato now.

Richie reached over to poke Eddie's cheek and began to giggle, "What are you blushing about?"

"Nothing, just fuck off Richie," Eddie lied.

Eddie saw Stan begin to stir in his sleeping bag as he opened his eyes. "Will you guys please just shut the fuck up? Some of us are trying to sleep."

Before the Eddie and Richie could apologise, Dustin raced down the stairs to the attic. He was holding plates of eggos in both of his arms. "Hey guys," He smiled, clearly out of breath. "I bought you guys breakfast."

His footsteps thudded loudly on the attic floor, waking Bill and Cassie up as well. Dustin tripped on his shoes, which caused the plates to fly everywhere. Eddie reached to catch them, except he didn't catch them with his hands.

"Holy shit!" Dustin cried in astonishment.

The plates were floating in midair, they were completely still as if they were being dangled by a string. Eddie felt his nose began to run and he wiped it with his right hand. He looked down to see it covered in blood.

Just like before. He thought. He looked up again and began to hover the plates over his and his friend's laps. He willed the plates and they settled there safely.

Dustin gaped at Eddie, "How did you do that?"

"I don't know," He answered truthfully.

"Just like Eleven," Dustin murmured to himself.

"E-E-Eleven?" Bill asked.

Dustin shook his head and glanced at everybody, "Eleven can do what you just did. Hold on a sec, I'm gonna call Mike, Eleven, and Lucas over."

Dustin dashed up the stairs without another thought. Eddie felt confusion and unease begin to boil viciously within his stomach. Richie and Mike had a psychic connection along with Bill and Cassie, Eddie could move things with his mind and Stan was beginning to act strangely. Whatever world they had found themselves stranded in was also beginning to affect their minds and bodies in a way that made him cringe in fear. He quickly fixed his facial expression and masked it with a brave face. He had to stay strong, no matter what happened next.

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