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They had been walking for what seemed like hours now, and the group was beginning to grow impatient with Eleven. Stan could feel hunger begin to attack his stomach and he regretted not getting something to eat before they had left the hospital. They eventually came to a house and that's where Lucas and Mike began to snap at each other.

Lucas growled. "How do we know we can trust her?"

"She's going to help us find Will, Lucas!" Mike snapped back.

"You only say that because you're so in love with her!" Lucas retorted.

"What? What are you talking about Lucas?" Mike stared at his friend.

Lucas put his hands on his hips, "I've seen the way you look at her, like some stupid lovesick puppy. I'm not stupid, Mike."

"Shut up Lucas!" Mike yelled.

Lucas said something in reply but Stan didn't hear it. The two began to fight and wrestle with each other. Stan and Bill ran over, attempting to break up the dispute. Stan held back Lucas and Bill held back Mike. They were only successful for a few seconds though. Lucas and Mike broke off from the boys' grips before proceeding to fight again.

That's when Eleven's scream began to pierce the grunts and growls coming from the two boys as they fought. Lucas was flung into the air and slammed into a large piece of metal nearby.

"Lucas!" Mike screamed, running over to his friend.

Stan looked at Eleven, who was pale from the fight and the blood that was beginning to leak from her nose. Just like Eddie, he thought.

Stan, Dustin, Bill, and Richie ran over to where Lucas lay, who groaned as Mike shook him. Lucas squinted up at the boys and rubbed his head, grimacing in the process. Before the boys could do anything, sirens screeched in the distance.

"Will," Mike and Eleven muttered under their breaths in an odd unison.

Mike looked down at his friend, "Are you okay?"

"Should be," Lucas replied quietly.

The boys helped their friend up and Stan saw Lucas and Dustin give Eleven a glare. Once Lucas was able to stand, they all ran off towards the sirens. Hope tugged at Stan's heart that Mike's friend would be found alive. But something else in his mind doubted that.

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