The Losers Club

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As she sat between Eddie and Bill in the school stadium, she saw plenty of faces covered in expressions of mourning and shock. She let the words of the school principal wash over her as he introduced a counsellor to the students. She saw Richie keep his head down, hoping that nobody would see him.

"Look at all these fakers," She heard Mike whisper grouchily.

"They probably didn't even know his name until today," Lucas whispered back.

"Didn't people know him at the school?" Cassie asked quietly.

Lucas shook his head, "No. Nobody really knows all of us that well, we're just a bunch of losers."

"Join the club," Eddie added in.

"The Losers' Club," Richie looked over at them, beaming.

Cassie heard snickers and muffled laughter sound behind them. She turned around to see two boys, whispering to each other and mocking the principal. She could feel disgust begin to swell and boil in her stomach. They were being so disrespectful! Even if Will wasn't really dead, she couldn't help but feel fury begin to grow in her chest and spread to her fists.

"Fuckin' rude little shits," She whispered to herself.

"W-W-What?" Bill queried.

Cassie discretely pointed to the boys and saw anger build up on Bill's face through the way his eyebrows clenched, scrunching up his eyes.

She saw the rest of the group stare at the boys.

Eleven whispered the word "mouthbreather" at this.

Soon, it was all over and the school bell rang. Thousands of students disembodied themselves from their seats and began to walk to their classes. Cassie walked off with the group as she saw Mike storming over to the two boys.

Oh shit, this isn't going to turn out well, she thought.

"Hey," Mike called out to them. "Hey!"

The boys continued to ignore him until Mike yelled out, "Hey Troy!"

The smaller one of the boys turned around to glare at Mike.

"You-You think this is funny?" Mike stammered nervously.

"What did you say, Wheeler?" Troy snapped, standing by the other boy who had turned around to face Mike.

"I-I saw you guys laughing over there," Mike explained. "And I think that's a real messed up thing to do."

"Y-Y-Yeah, tha-that's a r-r-real shi-shitty thi-thing to do," Bill interjected, defending him.

Troy turned to face Bill, "I'm sorry but who the fuck are you? A-A-And w-w-w-why are you suh-suh-s-speaking luh-luh-like a re-retard?"

"How about you shut the fuck up before I twist your head around the other way?" Richie threatened Troy, growling as he said so.

"Richie calm down," Eddie whispered to his friend.

"No, how fucking dare you laugh while people are mourning for Will and then proceed to mock my friend. You are fucking disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you rot in hell!"

Troy walked over to Richie, his fists clenched. "Say that again and I'll punch you so hard your glasses will rip into the other side of your head." He began to swing at him when Mike ran over and pushed him to the floor.

Cassie noticed the people beginning to crowd around them as multiple gasps and "ooohs" sounded in the school gym. Troy stood up, shock clearly showing on his face, before anger washed over it.

"You're dead Wheeler, dead!" Troy began to run at Mike before stopping midway. He looked around furiously, panic beginning to flood his eyes.

Cassie saw multiple frowns of confusion ring around the group. But that was before she saw Eleven with blood beginning to run from her nose.

"Dude! Troy peed himself!" One boy yelled out, turning Cassie's attention back to Troy.

A putrid, strong smell began to rise throughout the gymnasium, causing Cassie to uncontrollably gag. A thick line of urine had begun to run down Troy's pants as he stood there, completely dumbfounded and mortified. Laughter burst throughout the gymnasium.

Cassie saw the other bully completely standing still as well, with urine running down his leg as well. Cassie looked back at Eleven but saw her walking off. Instead, she saw Eddie's nose bleed out of the corner of her eye.

"Fuckin' piece of shits," Eddie said quietly before he wiped the blood off his face.

Serves them right though, Bill's voice sounded in her head.

Cassie looked over at him and nodded in agreement.

"Hey, what's going on here?" The principal growled loudly.

The group scurried off, and so did the rest of the crowd. Unease began to boil in Cassie's stomach as she knew those boys would try to get them back in one way or another. She didn't know how, but a thick tension in her stomach and chest told her that they would do something. She just didn't know when. 

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