"For what is the reason you try so hard?" I asked, grabbing the boy's attention.

He walked up to me with the ball under his arm, "Why do you care?" He asked.

I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice, but I smiled.

"You try so hard for someone else do you not?" I asked.

He backed away, dropping the ball and taking up a defensive stance.

"Can you read minds or something?" He asked, his face turning serious.

I shook my head no and asked my question again.

He huffed and answered, "I want to make my family proud of me." He said, sitting on the cool grass, "I want my family to see that I could do something great too."

I sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's good to have a goal, but to do so in anger and frustration will never push along the path you wish to walk."

The boy looked up at me and gave me a small grin.

"My name's Lance," he said, "What's your name pretty lady?"

I laughed at his comment, "You can call me Aiko."

I stayed with Lance and his family for three months. His family was so much fun and had a lot going on everyday.

When it was time for me to leave, Lance gave me a necklace with a sapphire jewel, matching my eyes.

"Take it," he said, "To remember me by."

I smiled as he strung the necklace around my neck.

"Thank you Lance," I said, "We shall meet again, somewhere up there in the stars."

I then left, looking for the next palidan.

It took a week to find the next palidan, the energy I sensed was calm and inquisitive.

I made it to a lovely house, and sounds of two people rang through the air.

I saw a young boy and girl with dirty blonde hair sitting in the front yard.

The girl was reading a book, while the boy wqs trying to make her get up and play with him.

"Come in Pidge," the boy said, "Let's play something."

"No Matt," the girl, Pidge, said, "I want to finish this book."

I walked up the girl, makong her look up "Hello," she said happily, "Who are you?"

"My name is Aiko," I replied, "For what is the reason you continue to read and not play?"

Pidge thought for a moment before saying, "I want to be smart and understand all kinds of things."

I smiled, "While it is important to understand, work and play go hand in hand. To understand is to experience."

She smiled, out down the book and ran to play. Again I stayed for three months, before I had to leave once again.

Before i left, Pidge gave me a ribbon colored green.

"To remember me by." She said. I smiled and tied the ribbon into a strand of my long black hair.

"We'll meet again, in the future." I said, then left again.

I wandered and found myself at another neighborhood. I caught a whiff of Such lovely smelling food, and the energy of another palidan.

I followed the energy and scent, and found myself at a restraunt connected to a house.

I walked into the restraunt and saw a young boy in yellow with a headband.

He was heavy set and had a kind smile.

"For what reason do you smile so kindly?" I asked, he turned around and smiled even bigfer than before.

"A good person needs to be kind for all those he meets." He answered.

"That's a great answer. My name is Aiko, what's yours?"

"The name's Hunk." He answered.

Once again I stayed the boy and his family for three months. They were great cooks and a rowdy bunch, but pleasant all the while.

At the end of the three months, I began to leave, but before I did, Hunk gave me two gold arm bands.

"To remember me by." He said.

I smiled and placed them on my left upper arm.

"Thank you Hunk," I said, "Never lose that kind smile."

Then I was off to meet the final palidan, the leader of them all.

I met him by coincidence, I wandering around a school for Astro exploration, and expedition, when I literally ran into him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as I stood on my feet. He indeed had a leader's soul and spirit.

"I'm fine." I replied, he took me to his home and there I stayed for three months.

At the end of my stay, I asked him my question.

"For what reason do you lead?" I asked.

He smiled and laughed, but replied, "I lead to help those who want to excel and become the best that they can be."

He handed me a pair of white crystal earrings.

"To remember me by." He said.

"Thank you Shiro," I said, "May you continue to be the greatest leader you can be."

My mission was over, and now, I could returb to my quiet home.

Years passed since my encounters with the palidans. I could feel that they had already found their lions. And now I wait for them to come to me.

I hear purring by my side and soft fur under my hand. I look over and smile at my friend.

"It's almost time for us to aid Voltron," I said, "Are you ready to meet my friends Luna?"

My friend purred and roared softly.

I looked up from my castle balcony and stared at the infinite stars.

The Voltron palidans are coming soon, and my destiny will soon begin.

The White Lion PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now