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^ I think one of my biggest secrets is that I secretly like country songs. Living in Tennessee comes with its consequences.


He lowered the little clipper and plucked one of the needles off which caused me to scream. Damn...this hurt. I didn't feel them going in so the feeling of them coming out hurt and surprised my body.

He kept going for another 10 awkward minutes with none of us talking before he spoke up. "Yes I do have a sickness."

This caused me to open my closed teary eyes and look at him. "Oh. Umm you know you don't have to tell me if you don't want." I say being the kind girl I am.

"I know you don't mean that. I can see the curiosity in your eyes." He replied with a smirk. Wtf? People actually smirked in real life? I thought that was only in books.

"Yes I am curious,but if you don't wanna tell me I'm cool with it." I try to reassure him.

"I have hdbfigh," Zack says but I don't understand him.

"You have what?" I ask which causes him to repeat the previous sentence. Still I don't understand. But then I get an idea! I take out my phone and thankfully I have WiFi. I go to google translate and hand it to him. "Here write what you said." I say as he takes the phone with a questionable look.

As soon as he looks at the screen he squints his eyes due to the brightness. "Why is your light so high. Fix it." He says as he hands me back my phone. I look at my brightness and it's less than half but nevertheless,I lower the brightness and hand it back to him. After he is done writing I looked at the phone.

He's has glycomia. "Isn't if a little too early to have this disease?" I ask knowing a bit about this disease. Most people usually show symptoms later on.

"They don't know what it really is but just assume it's this. I have really bad eyesight and am very sensitive to the light so they just did what all Yemeni doctors do and just assume. They don't even know why my eyes are blue but they assumed again it's because of my terrible eyesight. My parents thought I was blind when I was a kid. I used to always bump into obvious objects " He says with a laugh."Okay time for your other hand." Damn we already finished.

I hesitate before lifting up the left hand sleeve. I have lots of scars on this hand and it has nothing to do with the thorns. I was a stupid kid and unused of using a blade like normal suicidal kids, I used razors which hurt like hell and the scars were evident and lasted longer. I mostly got away which saying they were burn marks but over the years, the scars increased in size and amount.

I finally got enough courage to lift up the sleeve. He stared at my arm for a while before he spilled the paint on it like he did with the other arm.

We didn't talk for 10 minutes before I spoke up. "Is it rude if what happened to your face."

He laughed before he replied, "Nah it's cool(he didn't say it like this but y'all get the point). Since my eyesight isn't the best, I used to always get lost. One day my eyes were hurting and I found a shadowed area under this thin window still. I waited a bit and I assume the lady who lived in that house didn't see me as she poured boiling hot water out her window." He says laughing like it was a funny memory. The horror was clear in my face.

"Oh god. That must've hurt, especially for a 5 year old. Are you okay?" I asked feeling terrible for him.

He laughed a short laugh before answering back. "Yeah I'm good but what what you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have scars near your wrist and I know the thorns weren't the cause. " He said. "Are you gonna tell me your story now?"

I rub the back of my neck nervously before answering him. "You see I would but I should really get back to the plot. The story is kinda leaning side ways. It feels like Ahmed has been gone for hours. I should just stay quiet and not write til he comes back."

"Ha very funny." He says sarcastically. "But come on you can tell me and plus what if we end up having an affair later on. This chapter and y'all would be a key reason."

"And why would I have an affair with you?" I ask trying to sound as disgusted as I can.

"I don't know. My 'unique' look usually attracts girls." He jokes. "I mean come on at least make this our last chapter dedicated to you and I's relationship."

"There is no relationship!" I reply angrily.

"Not yet at least." He says with a wink.


Heya sorry that took so long for such a short chapter.

I apologize and am happy to announce that Ahmed is coming back in the next chapter. Just wanted to get Zack out of the picture...for now. Wink wink

I know y'all probably don't care but I am frustrated. I just wanna explode. I had a fight with my mom and got so angry. Since my mom has diabetes I tried to calm myself but I couldn't. It was a stupid fight but still.

I told Ahmed I'm so angry I wanna smoke even though I smoked last Sunday. He was like aight I'll set of the hookah. I was like not with you. She got offended until I told him I need girls to talk to. He isn't gonna be interested in me talking about a 200 dollar dress that my mom wouldn't let me buy for 3 hours straight(because I'm gonna keep getting interrupted). I told him wanted to cuss my mom or but he won't and isn't really allowed to cuss her out with me cuz she's his cousin and mother in law.

Eventually I got dressed really prettily (cuz that's what you do when your depressed) and went to one of my girls house. It was fun and helped me forget the morning mess.

Okay last announcement because this story was about false diagnosis. Remember that one aunt of my that the doctors claimed she had cancer? Well she didn't. She went up to Sana'a and they did a scan and blood tests and said that she has HIV. This is why you can't trust men even the religious ones cause apparently my most religious uncle contracted it when he went to Hijj in Makkah. Tsk tsk

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