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  I let her lead me to the kitchen and start to wonder what I should make them for breakfast. 

"When do they usually wake up?" I ask. "At about 6:30." She says. Right now is 5:30 so I have about an hour. I decide to make pancakes but I don't know if they have the right type of flour. 

"Where are your flours?" I ask her. She looks at me confused but tells me anyway. " They are right behind you. I was going to make them beans but you can make them something else if you want?" She tells me.

 " I say thanks, and yeah I want to try to make something we eat in America." That's great! If you need help I can help you." She states. "Thanks that be great." I smile at her and keep asking her questions like where the eggs and the mixer and plates and lots of other stuff. She helps me kindly and doesn't seem to get mad. 

I ask her if they have any milk and this is what she had to say. " Lucky you, we have cows. It will take me awhile to milk it, do you think you can help me?" Ummm I don't really want to help her 'cause I am kinda grossed out but I guess I have to get do it sooner or later right? " Sure I would love to help," I said trying my best to hide the sarcasm. She leads me to the cows after she teaches me how to milk a cow, they have two, we both sit and start milking our cows. After a while of-of milking, she starts a conversation.      

''Why won't you just sleep with him already?'' 

" I'm scared. Did you forget that I'm only 16.''

 ''I remember when you guys were little, you used to love him and say you wanted to marry him.''

 " That was back then, I was little. If only it was your brother I was marrying.''

 " True, I think I would have slept with him the first day if he wasn't my brother."

  "Wait let me change my answer." She says, " I would marry Ahmed because he is kinder and knows how to treat a lady. Aaron is kind of a fuckboy." She didn't say that he was a fuckboy but that's what she meant. 

" How so?" I ask. "Did you know that Aaron has already married two women, whom both divorced him within staying 6 months or less with him." She says.

 What the f***. "Why did the divorce him?" I ask. Becuase he cheated on both of them." See I told you. He's a fuckboy. "What happened next?" I asked. "They both really liked Ahmed and asked if they could trade and marry Ahmed instead but he wouldn't because he had you in his mind. I don't know what to say to that so I just blush and keep milking the cow while thinking random stuff like, Does segregation of children in public schools solely rely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other "tangible" factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities?

 We finish milking the cows and go in. I tell her to make some tea for the guys while I test the flours to see which one will work the best. I eventually narrowed down the six flours to two and decided to make a few of each. Reem, the sister, looks at me confused and amazed at the same time. I Finish making the cupcakes and now just need to some syrup. I decide to make some strawberry syrup because I know that they have strawberries.

 I take some honey and some smushed up strawberries and mix them up. I then add some sugar and citric acid and some other sweet ingredients until the syrup is presentable. I am kinda craving chocolate on my cupcakes. I go back to my room to get some Nutella that I brought with me and yes they do have Nutella in Yemen. 

As I enter the room I hear my phone buzzing. I check and its the alarm to take my medication. I will summarize why I have to take medication in another chapter but just in case you are wondering I have schizophrenia. I take some of the pills and Nutella and go to the kitchen. I make sure Reem doesn't see me and take the pills with some water. I then take out some Nutella and pour it in a plate. I place it on their mini stove and not turn it on since it is still hot from the pancakes and I just need it to melt a bit. After the chocolate is done I pour it into another plate and take it to the living room with the pancakes and place it on the ground because that is where they eat. Reem brings the strawberry and honey and tea. 

After we are done she goes and wakes up the men to work and I decide to take out my dress from the bathroom and take a shower after milking the cow.      

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