Stay With Me (I)

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This is the event of the year, where all royals from all over the world gather every year. Occasionally, it is held in Paris, just like it is held last year and every year before. The Paris Chauffeur dinner is somewhere Gigi Hadid only dreams of going.

It is that elite. 

And guess who is attending? None other than the Manoban Family, of course. 

With her black diamond Gucci gown trailing, her hair dyed chocolate, she was one of the pearls that catch many eyes in the annual party. Of course, a Queen wouldn't go without a date, therefore, the humble Park Jimin decided to follow her.

Although her plans weren't originally to take her best friend as her date, Park Jimin being the ingenious he is, came up with a plan. A plan to make sure her ex ends up being her date at the end of the day...

I mean, what's hotter than a Jealous Jeon?

So it started, of course, the crown prince had a hawk eye on the two, mixed emotions of anger and confusion in him.

Why is she replacing me with Jimin?

If it wasn't for chae distracting him from this matter, Jungkook would already be attacking that mochi, like a raging fire. But he swore his revenge to the Park. How dare he take his girl?

"Lis, it's working, look at your ex, he looks way hotter than he should be," Jimin whispered smugly to Lalisa.

"Shut up, you go get your  girl quickly so I can leave." Lisa rolled her eyes.

"One, you think it's that easy to get the lady? And two, you're the guest of honor darling, you and Jeon so don't you dare try and escape. It'll hurt yo pride." Jimin laughed horribly.

Lisa looked at the boy disgusted. 

Ew, he looks gay

"Mochi, I ain't going up there with that boy," Lisa pointed to two gold thrones sitting proudly on the podium, up the bronze stairs which were covered with velvet red carpet.

"Woman, you ain't got a choice so chop chop, let's make him jelly, he's watching" Jimin smirked.

Lisa managed to take a gaze at the man, boy was he absolute handsome tonight. His suit, fitting perfectly, it was made from Kiton, a very familiar tuxedo designer. She remembered her going to buy that tuxedo as a gift for his coronation.

And he still kept it...

Realizing the Heiress is looking at his way, Jungkook smirked. Lisa looked at his eyes, it was intense, his pupils, it was dark and gloomy. At the same time, it was raging with fire, loneliness and lifeless. But this time, she managed to not care. He dumped her, now is the time she dumped him.

"Thank you for leaving me, Me being lonely is me loving myself. I'm not a manwhore who needs any man's love," she mouthed.

Those words were powerful words that had never come out of her lips, those words were the satisfaction that she would never give to anyone. She was proud, proud of herself. Her ego is now only to him, Jeon Jungkook.

Jeon took her words, and at first, he was shocked too, but then he became amused, and another devious smirk formed on his smoking lips.

This will just make my victory, even more, sweeter love

"Lily, stop staring at the man, you look like a freak. I know you miss him, just go and kiss him, not stare at him like a freak." Jimin tapped her shoulders.

"Shut up, people will here you dimwit, you spoke too loudly." Lisa smiled awkwardly to the crowd, while her hands are already pinching Jimin's ear.

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