Thirty One

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"Doll, wake up, we're here..." Jungkook carresed her beautiful hair.

"5 more minutes eomma..." Jungkook smiled.

"Doll, seriously, the planes going to land, you need to get ready."

She turned facing the man.

"I don't wanna go." she frowned.

"As much as I want to say no, you have to Mihai."

Jungkook tucked the hair that was covering her goddess-like complexion.

"Fine... But I have no clothes,"

Jungkook laughed.

"What? You can't blame me! You were the one that randomly took me to Paris." she creased.

"And you think that I'd 'randomly kidnapped' you without preparing anything?" he stated.

Lisa silened. She felt so stupid.

"Trust me doll, even if you brought clothes, it would look boyish, simple and absolutely boring am I right?"

"Your insulting my clothing?" Lisa stood up straight pushing the duvet out of her face.

"Not exactly insulting, I mean it wouldn't count as an insult if its true right?" Jungkook smirked.

Lisa glared at him, but sighed right after.


"As much as I like your clothes, you need to folow the royal codes." Jungkook sighed.

"Why do I have to be all royally?" Lisa pouted tugging his hands.

"Because doll,this is a formal visit. I know, you don't like paparazzi and all and I'm sorry, I just have to settle this once and for all, infront of my parents." Jungkook sighed.

Lisa smiled. His etiqutte is all a Princess could ever dream of.

"Don't be Jungkook, You did the right thing." She leaned onto his shoulders.

"Since when did you become all cuddly huh?" Jungkook smirked.

Lisa looked at him and frowned.

"I thought it made you happy..."

"Yes, it does. It makes me the happiest man alive." Jungkook smiled.

"So where are my clothes?"

"Here," he pressed a certain button. It made the wide door open.

Then there it was, every girl's dream. Just like you see inside movies. Exactly like a wish.

"Oh... My... God..." Lisa widened her eyes, releasing her grip on Jungkook.

"Am I dreaming?" Lisa scrubbed her eyes, pinching her arms a little.

"No your not dreaming doll," Jungkook laughed.

"No. Way." Lisa walked up to the thing.

"With 48 different shades... Soft fabricated materials from all around the world..." she touched the silky piece.

Lisa turned to Jungkook. "

How did you get these? How did you know I love these?"

"Ofcourse I know doll, I wouldn't be alive if I didn't know. Practically every single time we go shopping you would always go there." Jungkook explained.

Lisa nodded. True what the latter said. She could still remember the amount of money she spent for this.

"Oh god this is original right?" she squealed at the embroidery of the collar.

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