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Description: Magic and Fantasies.

(I'm still new to this Magic and elements thingy, If I have any mistakes in like the element names or something, please ignore them. I am still square one at these Fantasy Fictions) 


  • CHAPTER 1 

"Jihoon, we've got to do this." Wonyoung pleaded.

"Yes Jihoon, if we don't stop the mutants in time, they will destroy this mortal world!" Sakura pleaded.

"Jihoon, for once I actually think it is a good idea," Daniel told the world.

"We can't.." Jihoon told them.

"It's fine, we'll leave you to decide. Come on Sakura, Wonyoung." Daniel headed out the door.

"Come Wonyoung," Sakura begged the girl.

"You go first,"

Sakura sighed, their problems are yet to be solved.

"Jihoon," Wonyoung whispered as she walked towards him.


"What about you Younnie? What will happen to you after this?" He turned around looking at her.

Wonyoung smiled.

"I know the consequences, love" she caressed his cheeks.

Wonyoung knew the consequences. She has the cosmic energy of fire, the only power that the mutants have been wanting since forever. She was born with it. In this era, only two Hexes have been gifted the cosmic energy, that is, of course, her and Jihoon. Although the mutants weren't after the cosmic energy of ice, they were after the poor girl.

And she knew it. She was determined to sacrifice herself to save the next generation. She was determined to be a heroine. Cosmic descendants have been in this world for generations.

There are 5 Cosmic elements. Cosmic Ice, Cosmic Fire, Cosmic Flora, Cosmic Aqua and Cosmic Constell. Cosmic powers are the most powerful tier in the Mythology of Hexes. They are gifted for the Hex Guardians. But as the Hex Guardians began to die out, they gifted it to their descendants. Yes, Wonyoung's late grandmother was the Guardian Of Cosmos Flamous or Cosmic Fire. Unfortunately for little Wonyoung, Cosmic fire is the most powerful element out of the five, along with Ice.

That is why Mutants are after her. The mutants sorceress or Serpent Valencia has the ability to absorb even the greatest power. But she was defeated by the five Hex Guardians. They were too powerful for her to even touch. And so she was frozen in time for millions of years.

Until now... Valencia is back. Even greater than before. She has managed to get two of the Cosmic Elements, Cosmic Constell and Cosmic Flora. They were the powers of Wonyoung's friends herself. Yixing and Sakura Miwayaki. Yes, Sakura is the descendant of Guardian Helia, Hex of Cosmic Flora. But she was captured and her powers were taken by Valencia.

Luckily for her, Valencia didn't take her secret ability, which is Mind Power. It may seem weak but as the girl practiced over time, her power was just as strong as any other Hex Powers. Yes, you may have guessed it, they are the new five, Heiress Jang, Crown Prince Park, Duchess Miwayaki, Duke Yixing and Keeper Kang.

They are the new Five guardians. they are determined to defeat Valencia once and for all. But poor Wonyoung is the main bait.

Valencia doesn't want Daniel's nor Jihoon's powers. She just wants Fire. Because with the ultimate Cosmos of Fire, she can defeat anything that comes in her way, even the guardians...

"Younnie, you'll die..." He looked down.

"I'm aware of that love, and I'm ready for it." she smiled.

"What about me Younnie? I'm not ready for it. I'm not ready for you to leave me..." watery droplets flowed on his cheeks.

The love of his life will leave him.

"Don't, you'll just hurt yourself even more... You know this is why I was given this power, because I am meant to sacrifice myself, just like how the guardians did..." she wiped his tears.

"Younnie, you don't know how much I love you, then you will leave me here. How am I suppose to live? How am I suppose to let you do it if it means my one true love dies a painful death? How, Younnie?" He looked at her.

"Jihoon, you'll have to let me go..." she pursed her lips.

"No, I will not." He grabbed her hands.

"Younnie let's find another way, please, I know there is a better way than this-"

She placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I'm gonna miss that." she smiled planting another one on his cherry lips.

"And this," Wonyoung wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his jaw line.

Jihoon smiled bitterly. He pulled her, and collided his lips onto hers, kissing like his heart says. Hers gracefully syncing with his, sometimes would be teasing the boy, biting his bottom lips. Jihoon never wanted this to end. Unfortunately, it had to...

"Jihoon, you have to let me go..." Wonyoung broke the kiss.

"I can't Younnie, I'll never..." Jihoon held her tighter.

"Do it for me, love.." she kissed his cheeks.


"For us." she placed her head onto his chest.

Jihoon sighed. He will surely miss this.

"If you wish," he kissed her hair.

"Thank you," she looked up at him.

"I promise, I'll be safe. I'll promise I'll come back to you, love," she let go of his hands.

"I'll keep that promise," she smiled heading out of the room.


Oh my, loads of fluffy clouds... That is probably my only Wonhoon fanfic. I'm going to delete Our Love Story. 


Jk... Please choose!

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