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Hello, my fellow readers. You heard of people mocking us liskook shippers cuz you know they say that we're delulu? Show them this...

Can you please tell me what else is there to prove that can convince your spink little bullshit about us?! 

Did you see JK's reaction after the eye contact? Trust me I'd be dead if that reaction wasn't for Lisa. Lol you'd be blind gurl... so blind...

You know I felt like I was watching a K-drama. Typical, the girl's popular, badazz cutie and an introvert. The boys also popular, handsomeness over one million and isn't at all shy to show his love for her. I bet that in a few years, Lisa would marry him. Trust me.

Oh fuck, I'm dying. Ugh but the next award show is months away. Flip.

Can't Seoul Music Awards come faster????

So to all Liskook shippers, since MMA we are back bitches. 

Jungkook ships analysis:

Rosekook = Dead for 1 year now, hopefully, won't raise back.

Tzukook = it wasn't even a reaction in the first place... ugh delululululululu

Eunkook= JK haven't even given her a reaction at all for fuck's sake! People ship them cuz their cutesy and all... 

Yerikook=Been dead for 2 years now, also hoping won't raise back.

Sanakook= Another ship that has no connection.

Vkook: I can confirm that it is real, of course. But I am pretty sure they aren't gay. But what I am sure that whoever JK marries, his relationship with the girl can't be better than Vkook, its reality bro...

Liskook: Never have this ship been dead. Since the beginning of Blackpink till now. Lisa is probably the luckiest girl in the world as JK is whipped for her. Trust me when they are married to each other, it's gonna be the wedding of History.

Lisa ships

Hunlis= I see no signs of it being that obvious, but I can say that Sehun does have a crush on Miss Thai here.

Taelice= This ship is sad... Real sad, I wanna cry for taengi. I hope Tae gets over Lisa and go to Jen Jen somehow. I see that Tae has a HUGE crush on Lalis, but Unfortunately, I am 100% sure Lisa doesn't feel the same. Tae is so whipped for her being more obvious than JK. But Lisa only reacts to JK back, unfortunately. This ship is one-sided love. That is why it makes it one of the best ships of KPOP cuz of Taehyungs love for Lisa, but she doesn't love him back... Lmao I feel so guilty doing this to Tae tae.

Onelice= I don't really ship One with Lisa that much because I just think he's just isn't nice for her.

Gyulisa= Meh. I ship Eungyu. If you are wondering why people ship this seventeen god with Miss Sawadeekap, that's cuz he has a moment with her. But that was with JK in the area too. Like a love triangle, you know. Try search it up.

Lismin= Oh for fucking hell, Jimin is a mochi, mochi's go with pasta. Be patient Jimin, your pasta's cooking.

Hopelice= To be honest, this ship is like siblings goals. Lisa has a soft spot for Hope but it's not romantically, that's confirmed. As I said these two are brother sister love...

Yoonlice= I think Yoongi would also be a very good big brother for Lisa.

Boblis= Eww what the hell? My man isn't suitable for Lisa. Hands off Lisa he's mine. Bobby Oppa sarangheo!

Liskook= The one and only man Lisa pays attention too. Yall haters can't say anything about this ship. You can't fault us, scold Lisa or something for literally being so obvious with JK. They are meant to be. 

There are more ships, but I ain't gonna write them all.

So, in conclusion, liskook are da best.

By the way, starting from 8th January 2019, I will be going to boarding school, that means I can't update that much. Like seriously. I think I will update once a week or maybe once in two weeks. I'm a student yall... Give me a break. So yeah, I hope you guys don't expect that much. But I'll make sure that during school holidays like Chinese New Year or something like that, I'll update instantly. For now, just wait for my comeback.

Bye bye!

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