43 • you don't change

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{ryan's pov}

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{ryan's pov}

the energy between brendon and i hasn't been as tense lately. one thing, it's hasn't been fully restored to what it was before.

"what are you gonna do for your birthday ry?" brendon asked. i shrugged.

"well..." i let that one word linger before finishing my sentence. "pete is letting me have my party at his bar, but that means you and spencer can't really be there, you guys are still underage."

he sighed. "well it is your twenty-first birthday."

"and where are you going with that?"

"it's gonna be one of your most memorable birthdays ryan... might as well make it something." he explains.

i really didn't expect him to be this chill about it.

he continued. "well you can have your party in new york, while spencer and i can stay in seattle. you and jon can meet us there the next day."

it wasn't a bad idea. the only thing: they're kinda far from us.


"ryan. don't worry about me. have fun, it's your twenty-first birthday." i shrugged. "we have a week together before then, i can celebrate with you prior to the day."

he took this calmer than i thought he would. i smiled at him, a small blush dusted onto my face.

"so how do you want to celebrate my birthday together?" i asked, unsure of what to do. "did you have a date in mind or something?"

"well... we can do more than just a date" i raised an eyebrow at his response.

i should of seen that coming, he's always looking for excuses to fuck. i can say he's pretty talented at it, but it's the same just about every time.

"how about something other than sex?" i suggest.

"you were horny as fuck before, what happened to you? you almost never want to have sex these days..."

i sighed. "people change..." i let my words trail off.

"babe, seasons change, but you... you don't change. what's up?" he really wants to know why.

"it's basically the same thing every time, it's just..." my words got lost into the atmosphere.

"well if you were bored with it, you shoulda said something instead of making excuses" ouch. that kinda hurt.

"i'm not horny like you all the time brendon!" i raised my voice.

it's really fucking stupid that we're fighting about sex, of all things.

"fine!" he yelled. "i won't do shit with you for your birthday!"

i walked out of the the small room, heading to my bunk. i sighed as i sat down on the bed, spencer looking up from his bunk.

"what happened with you and brendon?" he asked.

i shrugged. "brendon's being a horny bitch again. i swear, all he cares about is sex. it's frustrating."

"you guys should really try to get some space. i-"

"we're on tour! how the hell am i gonna have space from him?" i interrupted.

"as i was going to say" spencer emphasizes, since i cut him off. "i know it's gonna be difficult, but you can be in here if he's in the living room or whatever." i shrugged.

maybe the two of us just need a break.


{528 words}

school is tiring oof

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