(18) - Longing

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~ a yearning desire ~



When Santos told me that they had Luci, I cried. I cried so hard but it was all happy tears. The asshole got himself kidnapped and tortured! Again! I'm so mad but I'm not really sure who I'm mad at. It wasn't his fault, not my fault, it's not really anybodies fault. I just really want him to come home soon. It's been almost a week and to be honest all I want is a hug from him. I just want him to hold me but he won't be able to do much. He can barley walk! Idiot. Now I have to mother him and Angelo.

"The doc says four days at most, amore" He's trying to make me feel better but it's making me feel worse.

"I really miss you" I sign over the phone. Four days is going to be four days too long. I hear him groan over the phone and I raise an eyebrow. "What you up to?" I say, very clearly amused.

"I miss you too and I'm not doing what you think I am" He chuckles before groaning again. "I'm just trying to get up" I feel myself wince at the thought of how much pain he's in.

"I wish I could be there to help you" I tell him.

"Really? What would you be helping with?" He asks, his voice a little huskier than before.

"Lucifer Romano, are you trying to have phone sex with me? Even after you just told me that you weren't jerking off" I giggle. I fucking giggled. I've been with him for almost a year and he still makes me giggle like I'm a child.

"Absolutely" he states matter-of-factly. His bluntness sends a flutter of heat straight between my legs.

"Maybe I don't want to" I lie.

"Mi amore, I can hear how turned on you are. Your breathing like crazy. I bet you are dying to touch yourself" his voice alone is the biggest turn on. "Touch yourself for me" He almost whispers to me, making it feel like he's actually in the room.

I slowly trail my hand down my body until my fingers slide below my panties. My finger connects with my bundle of nerves and my breath hitches. "Fuck Luci" I moan as I circle the bud.

"Shit, it drives me crazy when you moan my name like that" I can hear his low groans of appreciation down the phone, spurring me to go faster. "I want you to finger fuck yourself"

I nod even though he can't see me. Words don't seem to be forming in my head as I slide a finger into myself. I close my eyes and my imagination takes over as I imagine it's his hand not mine.

"Oh fuck, fuck" I moan loudly but quickly bite my lip so that the entire house can hear me. I add another finger, increasing my speed as my orgasm approaches quickly.

"Oh shit Emma" Luci moans followed by a delicious sounding grunt which sends me over the edge. I release all over my fingers with a quiet scream.

I can hear both of our heavy breathing as we calm down from our highs.

"Baby, you better get your ass home so I can ride the shit out of you" I'm practically begging him now.

"Anything for you" he chuckles lightly down the phone at me. "Didn't really think about how I was going to clean up my mess without being able to move" he chuckles.

"Ask Santos" I laugh back and he grunts in reply.

"No funny. He may be doing everything for me right now but you are going to be doing everything for me when I get home" he sounds so proud about the fact he's making me a slave once I'm home.

"You can't make me do anything. It's not like you'll be able to run after me if I refuse" I smile to myself as I think about all the shit I'm going to get away with once he's home. I can do it whilst he's away but when he's home it's a different story. It's like he adds extra men around the house to keep an eye on me. Why he doesn't do that when he isn't here just doesn't make sense.

"You won't run away from me though. You love me too much" Smug bastard.

"Ugh, fine I love you too much. You better not be a pain in the ass"

Just as Luci is about to reply, the light in of our lives cries out at the top of his lungs. I groan as I was so comfortable but Angelo is more important than my comfort.

"I've got to go baby" I groan into the phone.

"Nooooooo! Take me with you! I want to tell him goodnight" Luci whines like a child.

I laugh in response but do as he asks. I walk to the next room and see a sad Angelo sat up in his crib. He has been crying a lot at night but I'm not surprised. All the guns this 4 month old sees is haunting.

"Hey bubba. Daddy's on the phone" I smile and coo at my son whilst Luci laughs at me. "Daddy's being a meanie" I say with an exaggerated smile to keep Angelo from crying.

"Hmm. I like it when you call me daddy"

"You say that again and I'll cut your balls off babe" I retort back.

"Ouch. Anyways pass me to my son. We have things to discuss" He tells me as if Angelo has the capacity to have a conversation. I do as he asks and hold the phone up to Angelo's head.

I can't quite hear what he's saying but Angelo looks quite happy to hear his fathers voice. He eventually falls back to sleep and I bring the phone back towards my face.

"What did you do? Bribe him with cash or something. He never goes to sleep like that after a nightmare"

"I just told him about my adventure and he must've fallen asleep. Don't worry I left out the gory parts" All I can think about him right now is how much of a smart ass he is and how much I love him.

"I'm so glad he doesn't understand us yet" I mumble as I climb back into my bed.

"Go to sleep amore. I love you" he whispers into the phone.

I think I mumble something about loving him too before I fall asleep.


There is around 10 more chapters to go :( xx

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