6 - Dissatisfaction

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~ A particular cause or feeling of displeasure or disappointment ~


"You're fucking late you piece of shit" She screams at me the second I walk into the room. As soon as my eyes find hers I can't move. She still manages to take my breath away when I look at her - even if she is about to give birth. "Stop standing there like a waffle cone and hold my goddamn hand" Glad to see she still has a sense of humour. It's great when you get called a waffle cone, it's really ego boosting.

"Sorry, Amore, I'm also really fucking sorry I'm late" I try to reassure her but she gives me a tight lipped smile before she starts to wince.

"Fuck fuck fuck" Emma screams as another contraction courses through her. She's gripping onto my hand so hard that bullet wounds have hurt less.

"You're going to need to push soon" Doctor Greta informs her and I smile when Emma starts cussing at her in Italian. I had no idea she could swear in Italian. It's kind of sexy and if she wasn't about to give birth then I would totally fuck her brains out.

"She can understand you, mi amore" I tease but instantly regret it as she glares at me before screaming out in pain.

"You can be a dick when you're the on pushing a fucking baby out of your vagina" I don't dare say anything else. Instead I stroke her hair and hold her hand. Emma's screaming fills the room.

"It's time"


"You have a name yet?" Doctor Greta asks us. I just look at Emma as I'm sure she has a name for him.

"Angelo?" She hesitantly asks me. I feel myself instantly smile. It's fucking perfect.

"I love it"

I can't help but stare as my newborn son is held in my girlfriends arms. He's beautiful. He looks just like Emma and I'm not just saying that because that's what all new parents say. He really does look like Emma. He's got her blue eyes and her nose.

"Fuck, we made this" I beam down at the two most important people in my life.


"Shit, Sorry. Oh fuck, I can't stop fucking swearing. Shit I did it again. Cra-"

"Just stop speaking" Emma's gentle laughter stops me. "No swearing around Angelo. In English or Italian!" She warns and I nod my head.

"What about Russian?" I joke and she glares at me. Nope, not funny Luci.

Angelo lays asleep in Emma's arms and I just sit there admiring them. I have a family and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Marry me" I blurt out. I didn't just shock myself but I clearly shocked Em too as she whips her head in my direction. "I was going to wait until Angelo was a little older but I don't plan on leaving you again anytime soon. I want everyone to know your mine"

"I'm your girlfriend. I think people know"

"Girlfriend means your fair game to those disgusting men. If your my wife then nobody will even think about coming near you"

"Let me think about it? We've technically only been dating for like 2 months" I groan but I nod anyway. She can think about it all she wants, she will be my wife.

"Okay you can think about it" I tease her. I lean down and for the first time in months, I kiss my girlfriend. I can't believe I ever wanted to give this up. Her lips are so fucking addicting. She gently kisses me back before she smiles against my lips.

"If I didn't just have a baby then I would totally want you to fuck me until I forget my name" She whispers into my ear and I think I actually growl.

"That's not funny. I haven't had sex in almost eight months"

"And you can wait another one or two" She smiles evily and I just glare at her.

"You're fucking taking the piss right" I groan. How am I supposed to wait another two months!

"I have to wait until the doctor gives the all clear plus I don't know how mad I'm going to be at you when you explain" Her evil grin widens.

"You Emma Greene are evil" I whisper making her smile even bigger.

"But you, Lucifer Romano, love me anyway"

"That I do"

We both sit in the peaceful, comfortable silence as we gleefully stare at Angelo. He's fucking incredible and all he can do is open his eyes and make little noises. He cried a shit tonne when he was born but since then he's been a little quiet blessing.

Emma and I both know that we need to talk but not today. Neither of us want to ruin the day that our son was born.


Short af chapter - sorryyyyyy but you did get a chapter yesterday so I think you can forgive me

Next one will be longer xx

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