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~ fall down and become unconscious as a result of illness or injury ~


The first dinner with the fiancee's parents is normally a little different from this one. Normally, the girlfriend or fiancee isn't unknowingly seconds away from being shot in the head but thats just the typical situation. Nothing in my life is typical. Ever.

Last night after our argument, Emma and I made up and went to bed. We made up some more in bed. Wink Wink. Then we went to sleep. I was woken up by my phone ringing at some ridiculous hour of the morning and to my surprise it was Georgie.

"I have to say, I'm surprised it took you this long Georgie" My voice never wavering. I don't want to let her know that I'm shocked. Anyone would be shocked if they get called at 3 am by someone who most likely wants them dead.

"Oh Lucifer, don't act so thrilled to hear from me" The sarcasm laced in her voice is making me angry. I slowly shuffle out of the bed, being careful not to wake Emma.

"What can I do for you then? It must be important if you woke me up from a rather nice dream" I slowly walk down the stairs, a few of my night guards raising an eyebrow at the fact I'm awake at this time without Angelo in my arms.

"What were you dreaming about? I bet I can guess" She whispers.

"Go ahead and guess then. I'll let you know how right you are" I can feel my anger rising and I really don't know why. She hasn't even said anything threatening yet.

"I bet you were dreaming about my daughter and your child. Dreaming about how safe they are. I know their safety is important to you, no?"

"Of course their safety is important to me. Want to know what else is important?" I question.

"Tell me" I can hear how amused she is.

"Knowing your whereabouts. How can I ensure my families safety without knowing where exactly you are?"

"That is very true. It also brings us back to your earlier question Mr Romano"

"Ahh yes, What can I do for you?"

"I think we should go out for a dinner tonight. 7pm. I'll text you where we are going." Her voice is taunting but I don't see any reason why I shouldn't go. She hasn't given me a massive reason to see this dinner as a threat.

"I'll see you there"

I watch on the small screen in my hands as Georgie's men enter the compound. As soon as they do, I feel my phone vibrate. I know it the signal to say we've been attacked but right now all I can do is watch as Georgie holds a gun to my head. I knew this dinner was fishy but I never expected it to go like this.

I can hear the gunshots through the screen and Emma's face appears before the whole screen goes black. My heart stops. I slam the screen down onto the table and instantly stand up, grabbing her gun out of her hand. My whole body is towering over the evil person in front of me. I point her own gun towards her head and I can see a flash of fear in her eyes but then it's gone.

"She's fine don't worry. Paul is looking after her. He'll be gentle" Just as I'm about to shoot the bitch in the head with her own gun, her phone rings. I give her a nod, letting her know it's okay to answer it. She picks it up and her face instantly pales.

Her eyes begin to tear up and I slowly lower my gun. What the fuck is happening?

"Go with Plan B then" She orders into the phone before hanging up and giving me a small sad but sly smile.

Men quickly rush in through the doors and I'm throw to the ground. I feel a sudden bout of pain in my head before I pass out.


Very short my loves I'm sorry!! The next one is longer.

Also sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger xx

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