17 - Alluring

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~ Very attractive or tempting; enticing; seductive ~


I wake up in a bed hooked up to some wires. I look around and sigh in relief. Not a hospital - good. If I woke up in a hospital I defiantly would've been handcuffed to the bed. The police aren't after me but once they look at my name they won't be so happy.The police don't know my face bit they know my name. I'm like a ghost to them. They could lock me up for so much shit - too bad they don't have a clue what I look like.

Instead of waking up in a hospital, I wake up in a large hotel bed. I groan as I pull myself up into a sitting position. I look down and let my eyes graze of my body, noticing that all of my wounds have been cleaned and bandaged. Just as I reach over for the glass of water on the side, Santos enters the room.

"Boss! How you feeling?" He smiles with relief. It's like 5 years ago all over again.

"Mi sento una merda" I groan and he chuckles. (I feel like shit). I bring the glass of water to my lips and revel in the satisfying feeling of the cool liquid on my throat. "So how'd you get me here?" I question. I remember seeing his face when I exited the door at where I was being held and then I passed out. I was so exhausted and he was there so I let my body succumb to the pain.

"Georgie left her phone tracking on. We're all fucking criminals. You'd think turning phone tracking off would be common sense" I swear the this man is a child. The grin on his face makes me chuckle. "Sorry it took us so long. We're fucking miles away from the compound" He frowns a little.

"When are we going home?" I just want to see my family. I'm so thankful for Santos being here but I just want to hold Emma.

"In a few days. Doc flew out here with me and a few of the other guys and he won't let you go home until you're stable" Flew! Georgie put me on a fucking plane!

"Alex, Nicolo?"

"At home, calming Emma down"

"How'd you get me out so easily?"

"It wasn't easy trust me. We were there for almost an hour, slowly taking her men down. You took down the last three and as we were about to walk in and save your ass, you walked out and fainted." He sits down on the chair next to the bed. "How bad was it?"

I let his question sink in. How bad was it? It was fucking awful but nothing compared to last time. I actually had people to live for this time. I wasn't fuel'd up by anger and hatred for my father. I think that was the only reason I lived last time. I lived so I could kill my father myself. I endured the pain of being tortured by the Russians and it will always be the worst experience of my life.

This time though. This time was nothing. The pain was excruciating and I've left with at least a dozen more scars but I know that my fiancee has been sat at home waiting for me with our child. For some reason that made the pain more bearable, like I was actually there for a purpose and not just as a pawn.

"Horrible but I ha-" I was cut off by a smiling Santos.

"Had a reason to make it through" His grin smile grows when his phone rings and he see's the caller ID. He picks up the phone and brings it to his ear. "Hello... Yes, he's awake... oh okay. He'll call you when the doctors seen him" I raise an eyebrow at whims he ends the phone call.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Emma. She wanted to talk to you but Angelo was causing a fuss. Almost four days without you and this kid is causing chaos. He can't even walk!" He chuckles and so do I. I'm glad my baby missed me.


The doctor should be coming to see my any minute now. He's been in and out to check on me throughout the day but every time he has, I've been asleep. I just want him to tell me I can go home tonight so I can be with my fiancee tomorrow morning. I've been gone for less than a week and can barely walk but I just want to hold her.

"Evening boss" The doctor nods at me as he enters the bedroom.

"Doc" I nod back. "So how bad am I?"

"It's not good. You had over 8 new stab wounds, a few drill wounds and you've got a broken knee cap. How the fuck you managed to walk out of there is a miracle." He weak heartedly laughs as the images flashback through my mind. The images of the drill going straight into my thigh more than 4 times. Let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant. I don't remember when they broke my knee but it did hurt like a mother fucking bitch. I was so out of it because of the pain, I can hardly remember what happened to me in those four days.

"So I'm guess I can't go home anytime soon" I say defeatedly.

" A few days at most. I can't let you go anywhere with your knee like that. It's bed rest for a few days then we can get you home. After that, bed rest for a few weeks. The knee should take up to two months to heal" I groan at his answers. I really don't want to wait a few more days before going home and I one hundred percent know that I am going to be sick of bed rest by tomorrow morning.

"Thanks for your help" I tell him before he asks if I need anything else and I shake my head. He leaves the room and I groan some more. I'm already sick of bed rest.

I pick up the phone and call the one person who could make this a little more interesting.


Hey my loves!

I'm going to be posting more regularly because I've almost finished writing this book and I'm excited for you guys to get reading the next book in the series!

Which by the way might be my favourite book I've written.

Love Charlie xx

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