5 - Habitation

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~ A place of residence; dwelling; abode ~


Nicolo finally got his ass in the car and picked me up. Longest wait I've ever had, felt longer because I know what's waiting for me when I get home.

"You nervous?" Nicolo asks. This guy has been there for me for years, he's an idiot but he's family. He's also fucking stupid for asking if I'm nervous.

"I think you forget who I am, idiota" I let out a genuine laugh. Fuck, I can't wait to be around these guys everyday. I have trained to be by myself for years on end but loneliness can get to you. These people are my family, I'm obviously going to miss them. Now I'm going to be home, I won't be by myself.

I think Emma has broken me. I sound like someone who's weak.

"I don't but your having a baby. You're also about to see your girlfriend who thought you were dead for the first time in almost 8 months" He reminds me. I hate when he's right. Maybe I am nervous. I really have no idea how Emma will react. She's probably hormonal which won't help. According to her brother, her mood swings lately have been pretty intense. I'm sort of glad I haven't had to deal with that but a part of hates myself for missing her entire pregnancy. I'm going to have a lot of making up to do.

"Ok, sono nervoso. Sarò un padre!" (Okay, i'm nervous. I'm going to be a father!) I practically yell. Nicolo let's out a small chuckle. He know's I'd hit him if he started properly laughing at him. He may be family to me but I'm still his boss.

"I better be the godfather"

"Of course you will be, as well as Santos." I always promised that they could be the godparents to my children, if I ever had any. I promised Alex too but he's going to be an uncle so he can't be my child's godfather as well. There's a long pause as we start to drive back to my house. The town I've been staying in is at least 6 hours away so we have a long dive ahead of us. "How's business?" I inquire. I haven't been looking at the books because I've been so focused on Stephano.

Nicolo quickly smiles at me which can only mean good news, "You are a very respected man in the industry. Our stock has been selling like crazy now people think you're dead. I thought people would be trying to get to us as we may have looked weak but nobody has tried a thing. The Russians have been very respectful, they even sent us some of their new cocaine to pay their respects to you. I have to say it was some good shit"

"Your sure you haven't been the one using all off our stock?" I joke. He has a bit of an addiction but he manages to keep it under control. "Once my son is born, no drugs and no work talk under my roof. Everything will be dealt with at the compound. My son will only get involved if he wants to but until he is old enough, he won't go near it"

"Of course boss. Emma had a no swearing rule but she's broken it more than the rest of us"

That sounds like my girl. She's got a bad mouth but I kind of love it. She can stand up for herself. I don't like it when she talks back to me but it's hilarious when she talks back to other people. "I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of swearing when I come home" I confess.

"Have you even thought about what you're going to say?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I haven't really thought about it. I really was just going to waltz into my house and be there for her whilst she has our baby. I sort of forgot about the while conversation we're going to need to have.

I don't really think I have any other option but to just walk in and talk to her. Although I don't imagine there is going to be much talking, I'm expecting a lot of shouting from her. I may love how feisty she is but it's going to be a bit of a curse for the next few days or maybe even weeks. How long she is going to be mad at me is going to be a mystery.

For the next few hours, I make sure Santos is up to date with what's likely to go down in the next few months with Stephano. He told me that Georgie and Paul have been unusually quiet for the last two months. Somehow, they've been in contact with Stephano but I can't figure out how. I'm fucking pissed off that I have another spy. Nobody likes me when I'm angry. I become a bitter, enraged monster who goes on a little killing spree. Last time, I think my death toll tallied up to 76 people in the space of a month and half.

It's not my fault that they crossed me. It did end in a peaceful alliance with the Russians so I can't complain. They tortured me for almost a year; I killed a substantial amount of their men, it all equals peace in the end. Tit for tat - I think is the stupid English saying.

I didn't even realise how long I'd been talking about plans and Stephano until Santos pulled up outside the gates of my house. My heart starts beating faster as they slowly open.

The big bad mafia King is nervous to see a girl.

Who would've thought?


Im sorry for not giving you a chapter for 10 days :(

Here's one for you!!

Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to



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