12 - Acrimonious

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~ (Typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter ~


"Are you fucking kidding me Emma?" I shout at her, the anger in my voice is more than evident.

After the first time we had sex again a week ago, Emma had been acting strange. She was happy most of the time but then she would get these random moments where she looked like she wanted to kill me. Being the caring fiancée I am, I asked her what's wrong. I didn't mean to start shouting but this conversation was going to end in an argument anyway.

"No I'm fucking not. It's a simple question. Not an unreasonable one either" She argues back at me.

"I've slept with over 30 women. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I stop my shouting because I know it will only make the situation worse. When I asked her what was wrong, I didn't expect her to ask me how many people I had slept with. I get that it's a conversation that some couple have but I sort of hoped we would never. I used to be proud of how many people I had slept with but not anymore. Now all I think about is Emma.

"Yes it is! I'm not even angry at you! I'm angry at myself because it was jealousy eating me up. Now I have the answer I'm even more jealous" she confesses but for some reason it makes me a million times angrier.

"Do you want to even out the score then? I'm sure plenty of people would want to sleep with you. I mean it didn't take much for me to get you into my bed" I yell and instantly regret it.

"Thanks for calling me a whore" she calmly says before walking away. I watch as she heads up the stairs, probably to go check on Angelo.

I hate seeing her like this and to know that I caused her to be in this mood almost kills me. I can't even keep my own fiancée happy.

I groan and rub my hands down my face in frustrations. I basically started two separate arguments in the space of 5 minutes.

"You okay boss?" I hear a voice from behind me. I instantly recognise it and it makes a new time of anger swirl inside of me. Betrayal.

"Perfectly fine Stephano. Just some trouble with the fiancée" I tell him with a fake smile on my face. He probably knows I know he's a traitor but I keep up the facade anyways.

"Her mother was like that too, always such strong headed" He chuckles to himself which makes me want to scoff in his face. Emma is nothing like her mother and that's for the better.

"Ahh yes her mother. Any news on where she is yet?" I question, expecting him to give a fake answer.

"I've heard rumours of her hanging around the old ports but I don't see why she would do that" And I was defiantly right about a fake answer. I have 24hr surveillance systems there as some of my shipments come into those docks. Although I see through the bullshit I nod anyways.

"We'll check it out. We also need to find Lukas. I want her to know we're looking for him and we won't stop" I glare at Stephano, hoping he gets the message. I hope he tells Georgie that I'm looking for her son.

A child is one of the biggest weaknesses for most people. She is keeping him safe but I want him. I would never hurt him, I actually want him on our side so we can look after him and raise him. He is Alex and Emma's half brother after all.

"Yes boss. Message received loud and clear" He whispers the last part before I dismiss him. He asks to see Emma but I know she won't want to see him right now.

Now I need to figure out a way to make it up to her. I basically called a whore and to be honest I'm not even sure why. I guess the thought of her sleeping with people makes me angry. More like furious.

I know I slept with a lot of women before Emma but I have been faithful ever since. I couldn't imagine having sex with anybody else. She has ruined all women for me. I don't find anyone more beautiful than her.

I slowly walk up the stairs to find Emma as the best thing I can do it apologise.

I enter Angelo's room, where I find Emma rocking him back and forth in her arms. She looks up at me when I enter but not for very long. Angelo steals her attention away again.

I have a family now and I need to protect them. Everyday that we don't hear from Emma's parents I become more nervous and I don't get nervous often.

We're just waiting for whatever move they might have. To be honest, I really have no idea what they're up to.

"I'm sorry" Emma whispers.

"I should be the one apologising. I hate the thought of you with other people. You're mine and I-I just snapped" I swear this woman makes me want to do anything for her to forgive me even if it means admitting I was wrong.

To everyone, I'm this terrifying man who shows very little mercy. Most of that is true but when I'm around Emma, it's like she becomes the boss of me. I constantly want to make her happy and I hate making her unhappy.

"Put it behind us?" She asks and I nod.

Emma Greene, what have you done to me?

Sorry this is sort of a filler. I'm probably going to be posting a lot in the next few weeks cause I'm hiding away in my room so I have time to write chapters

Love u lot xxx

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