World With Heroes

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Peter climbs into his room from his window and falls to the ground. Peter gets up and takes off his mask and his top part of his costume. Peter sets his camera down on his desk and throws his bag in his closet. Peter starts removing his costume and puts on a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Peter hears someone open the door and turns to see Trent.
Trent: You're back.
Peter: I am back.
Trent: May is downstairs, asleep.
Peter: Why?
Trent: Was waiting for you.
Peter: Ah damn. I should go down there and tell her I'm home.
Trent: You do that.
Peter leaves his room and walks down the stairs and sees May sitting in the kitchen asleep on the table. Peter walks over and shakes her awake.
May: Huh?
Peter: It's me Aunt May.
May: Peter? You home?
Peter: I'm home. And that means you need to be in bed.
May: Ok.
Peter helps May walk to her room. May gets into her bed.
May: You need to stop being out so late.
Peter: I try Aunt May.
May: I know. Goodnight Peter.
Peter: Goodnight Aunt May.
Peter closes the door and heads upstairs and enters his room. Peter looks to see Trent looking at the picture Peter took.
Trent: What the hell is that thing?
Peter: A man. And watch the language.
Trent: Ok May. And this thing kicked your ass.
Peter: Yep, and almost killed me if the man didn't stop. It seemed like he was thinking of something, or someone.
Trent: I see, and who the hell is this?
Trent taps on a picture of the Carnage Killer.
Peter: Some lunatic who can keep up with me.
Trent: How? Aren't you extremely agile?
Peter: I am, but I also have this sixth sense. It alerts me to danger or something that can hurt someone or me. I've begun calling it the Spidey Sense.
Trent: That name is stupid.
Peter: But marketable. But this guy exudes danger. This guy makes the Spidey Sense go off like crazy, making my head hurt so much that I could barely do anything.
Trent: And he has no powers?
Peter: None to my knowledge. He's crazy and dangerous, and he scares me.
Peter walks towards the computer and sees tabs that say "Iron Man", "Giant Green Monster", "Man with claws", and more.
Peter: What're those?
Trent: So I was wondering if there was others like you, you know superheroes. Turns out there's alot in New York.
Peter: What a surprise.
Trent: It's pretty cool. There's a guy who only uses a bow and arrow, and he never miss. And a guy who wields a hammer that can create lightning, and a girl who can stretch her limbs and change shape. Isn't that cool?
Peter: I mean yeah, but it's not like I'm going to go and team up with these people.
Trent: I guess you're right. But it would be cool.
Peter: It would. Well, I'm going to bed. You should too.
Trent: I will in a minute. I'm going to go print these photos so you can give them to Betty and Jonah.
Peter: K, goodnight.
Trent: Goodnight.
Peter falls on the bed and starts drifting to sleep.

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